
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:08:49
插字多少笔画 英语翻译我的家乡在潜江,我的家乡是一个小城市、是一个很漂亮的地方、在春天、天气暖和、这里有许多的花、草和树、还有许多小鸟、夏天是我最喜欢的季节、在夏天、天气是炎热的、我 英语翻译1.那些彩色气球吸引了许多孩子(attract)2.房屋前面有个池塘(in front of )3.你打来的电话时,他正好出去了(happen to)4.我们可以在字典里查出这个词(look up)5.他听到有人在拉小提 英语翻译1.这两个城市有铁路相连(connect)2.他们成功的执行了这项计划(carry out)3.不要为小事烦恼(worry about)4.Tom做额外工作得到了报酬(extra)5.我今天感到不太舒服.(feel)6.今晚我不 我想要韩国的英文简介啊!我要做REPORT啊! 求卷字反体谁能帮我找下 卷字 下面不是 厄这个 是个已字的那个卷 It's true,see you understand ont know how to cherish. 急求 剑桥BEC真题集 第4辑 (高级)的听力!万分感谢!我的邮箱:rebe1013@sina.com 求bec真题集(中级)第二辑和第三辑的听力录音啊 麻烦发到我的邮箱是dymcy1991@sina.cn,多谢了啊 DN给的地址找不到BEC的下载资料啊。有谁可以直接发BEC真题第四辑中级听力资料吗 time fly please stay for me for my inquietude翻译一下。。。 BEC高级真题第二,三,四辑听力音频谁有啊,急需 邮箱是yangsui1991@sina.com 谢谢哈 time for me to 打标点符号:爸爸 你看 他快活地叫起来 这是什么 开怀大笑是表示高兴的成语吗它是表示高兴的嘛 谁有剑桥雅思真题扫描的4-8 急需~~ 哪位好心人麻烦发我邮箱ywy0703@sina.com 3Q! 1.The baby started having a fever____ A.about two days.B.for two days C.since two days ago D.two days ago2.He had more other work ___ A.to do B.do C.doing D.did3.He worked very hard to make much more money改为同义句 He worked very hard ___ ___ h 1.These place are always c__ with people in the afternoon2.Why did it ___ such a funny name?A.do B.live C.get D.send3.People often makes friends with those who are the same as them 译成汉语4.他经常帮助别人.我们应该向他学习.译成 4道初二英语在线求解,急用啊1.We _____(become)old one day.2.Bob looks unhappy.Let's ____(play) with him3.He spent several years ________(care for) his sick mother4.你知道这儿过去是什么样子吗? Do you want to know how things ____ 1.The book give me ___ a surprise A.so B.such C.this D.that2.It will fly very fast,and it will only take you an hour ___ to China from the USA A.go B.went C,going D.to go3.He ____(believe)he will have a good future4.Both___ (side)have different ideas 1.-Look,Jack is over there.-Oh,really?He ____- Hangzhou last week.A.is B.went C.was in D.has been to2.These kinds of vegetables _____ only in that shop over there.They _____ well.A.are sold;are sold B.sell;sell C.sell;are sold D.are sold;sell3.Millie 山海经中的 西海 是指什么地方? 急求 人邮版 bec高级 第四辑 听力MP3 谢谢啦 我邮箱是0000liyan@sina.cn 绕地球做圆周运动的卫星,线速度越大,机械能越小. 大物 一质点作半径为0.2 m的圆周运动,其切向加速度大小恒为0.05 m⋅s−2一质点作半径为0.2 m的圆周运动,其切向加速度大小恒为0.05 m⋅s−2,若该质点由静止开始运动,求需要多少时 传送带的机械能与内能的两个问题,1、假设有一条向左运动的传送带,速度恒为v,在上面放一个初速为v,方向向右的物块,并用一个恒力F向右拉物体且F=f,即使物块一直以v的速度向右运动,一段时 高一物理语速圆周运动难题——能不用机械能动能做吗,我们还没学呢——我想问那个到最低点的速度怎么求支架质量为M,始终静止在地面上.转轴O上悬挂一个质量为m的小球,细绳长度为L.(1)若 1.You'd better ___ ___ us ____ for so long 你最好别让我们等那么长时间2.His mother is going to ___ ___(开始)a good hobby in cokking 1.-How do you like that flim we watched yesteRDAY?-sorry,What is that?I_____(think) about something else.2.西蒙在上学途中帮助一位盲人过马路.Simon helped a blind man _____ _____ _____ _____ on his way to school. 1.I _____ in front of an audience.I am a teacher.A.used to speak B.am used to speaking2.I __________ study at a school for the blind,but now,I __________ my new school.(用be used to或used to填空) 急求bec第三辑听力材料,zhangxxxue@sina.com,多谢 求BEC中级第四集听力MP3格式.有的请发到tingting0927@sina.cn.谢谢啦.