
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:40:48
Can you come to my birthday party this Sunday?作肯定回答 I hope you can come to my party next Sunday(改同义句)Would you___ ___come to my party next Sunday 孙中山颁布的具有资产主义阶级共和国宪法性质的法令是什么?快 急 急 急 急 孙中山颁布的什么法律文件 孙中山颁布的临时法规定民族平等能做到吗?为什么? 今天,我们社会生活中的哪些现象跟孙中山先生有关 今天我们社会生活中有哪些现象是为纪念孙中山的? do you have some pictures哪里错了 We are haveing dinner.Do you have some pictures[两句改错]英语单词后面有名词代词等缩写meet.英语单词后面有名词代词等缩写,如meet/mi:t/ v.音标后面的v. Do you have ( )stamps( )pictures?A.some,Do you have ( )stamps( )pictures?A.some,or B.any,and C.any,or what about this whitecap翻译 What about this dictionary?不要百度翻译 What about this dictionary?的同义句 we hope you ( ) a very happy time tomorrow a will have b to have c having d have到底选什么? what about this dictonary?中文翻译 He will come to the party if he ___(have)time tomorrow evening. What about this dictionary?翻译 I'm going to go hiking the day after tomorrow.I hope that I will have a good time! 20世纪初孙中山领导了什么运动?运动的意义是什么? Do you have any problems of your homework?有什么错误? Do you have any problems of your homework 有什么错误啊? 根据违法行为的性质,情节以及社会危害的后果,实施制裁的机关,方式的不同,法律制裁可分为哪几种? 初二20句英语句子和翻译 英语改错;do you have any problems in your homework? 请问他会用什么法律制裁我?那天我去存钱总共有140快钱的零钱结果银行工作人员给我错输了1400元,我把钱取出来了 祝福祖国的英文句子帮忙找一些,不要太长,十个单词左右就行了, Do you have any problems in his homework?改错 法律制裁的判断下列情形中,属于法律制裁的选项是( ).A.某私企职员王某因侵占单位资金,被单位开除B.杜某因骑车不慎,撞伤他人,被法庭判决赔偿300元C.谭某因违约被仲裁机构裁定赔偿对方当 法律制裁是主动还是被动承担法律责任? The movie__(begin) ten minutes ago. The meeting began ten minutes ago.(同义句改写)_________ ten minutes _________ the meeting _________The meeting _______ _______ _______ for ten minutes.Ten minutes ______ _______ _______ the meeting _________ 法律解释的含义是?