
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:00:29
me too toothache是什么词?那他前面为什么加a 如:I have a toothache. Me too什么意思 foot、toothache、see the doctor,可以替换的的单词 me too I eat lunch at 12:30.等于I have lunch at 12:30 noon. If you had come earlier, you would have met him. 后半句不要have可以吗为什么要would have,不可以主句是would表示对将来虚拟 哎用英语怎么说 哎特英语怎么写 求一首外国歌曲,应该是英语,高潮部分是一个女的唱的哎一哎一哎一哎一哎一哎一哎.求一首外国歌曲,应该是英语,高潮部分是一个女的唱的哎一哎一哎一哎一哎一哎一哎或者哎哦哎哦哎哦哎 哎.5 The 3 men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neihbouring country,___by the policy each time A being always captured B had been captured C unfortunatly captured 答案好像选C,我想知道 为什么A B 不行 希望具体点6 有句英文歌词副歌部分是哎喽哎喽哎喽 would you come to my hometown for a ________(two)time 这五个英文单词分别是什么意思? We have lunch at (noon)是不是填noon,是单数还是负数哦? we have lunch at 11am 改为同义句 We have lunch同义句We have lunch._____ have lunch. 用on,in,at填空 We have lunch _____ noon. 哎,考了英语,感觉考的好差,怎么办.哎! 明天就要考英语,怎么办哎! 哎~~~~·请英语能者.~~~~小小的指导哈~~如何考四级啊~~我快烦死了~~总是盲目的看单词~~感觉没用~~~考四级就像是拿把刀架在我脖子上的哦~~~~真辛苦啊~~~不求捷径,只求能有点效果的方法~~~~~哎~ 是英语至少要考多少分 要考英语了 See the past的中文意思是什么? Brushed past什么意识?中文 We usually have lunch at noon划线处at noon(对划线处提问) past的中文意思是不是过 Past中文是什么意思 雅思作文跑题,但平常作文是6.5到7的.这次能拿多少分?People think it is important to protect the environment,but make no efforts to it themselves.我没看到后面themselves只的是个人的力量.偏题了. 怎样把广州市荣峻电子科技有限公司译成英文 英语翻译In studies of futures markets much attention has been paid to the hedging effectiveness of futures contracts because it is an important determinant in explaining the success of futures contracts [Johnston,Tashjian,and McConnell (1989)].Th 中文译成英文:我上星期五安全抵达广州,一路上车内肮脏,空气混浊.【还可以用英文粗略的介绍一下广州】