
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:19:37
英语翻译麻烦帮我翻译一下 该化合物由_______种氨基酸构成,形成这种化合物的不同氨基酸的R基编号是________ There is nothing,either?either用作副词,用于否定句作“也”解释.如果句子中含有否定意义的词,是不是也用either?There is nothing,either. 复合氨基酸口服液的作用是什么黄金牌 复元 复合氨基酸口服液.家里有80岁老人 自己买回这瓶东东,江苏无锡产.不知其具体是管什么的. 根据下图回答下列问题(1)此化合物叫( )左端第一个氨基酸的R基是( )根据下图回答下列问题(1)此化合物叫( )左端第一个氨基酸的R基是( )假设每个氨基酸的平均分子量为A,那么该化合物 求I need you tonight歌词完整版的无补充说明 找出句子中错误的一项,将序号填入括号内,并在横线上改正.( )1 l've get a lovely little dog.____________________. ---- --- -------------------- A B C ( ) 2 Whoes eyes are bigger,your i need you tonight中文歌词后街的歌我觉得很经典 找出句子中错误的部分,把序号填在括号里并在横线上改正过来.( )How many apples does he has?_____ ___ ___A B C越快越好! 找出下列各句中的错误,将序号填在括号内并在横线上改正1.I like drinking .I drinked some tea last night.2.Is it yours?No,it isn’t mine book.It’s his. We should try our best to help blind people to live a happy life(同义句)We should try our best to help_____ ______ to live_____ 20.we must try our best to stop the pollution____ a happy life.a.from livingb.to livec.livingd.live请给出详细理由,并请翻译成中文 英语翻译We muet try our best to stop the environment pullution to live a happier life.的意思有stop sth.to do sth. what do you think our community should do to ensure that the elderly still live a happy life ?without puttng too much burden on the younger generation?and what should the elderly people themselves do to help solve this problem?more important,what sho We must try our best to stop the environment pollution____a happier life.A.from living B.to live “10分距离”英语怎么说 选择错误的一项,并在后面的横线上改正.We don't write e- mails use pens.———————— —— --------- ——A B C D 改错.选择错误的一项,在后面的括号里改正.1.I'd like to a pencil case as a birthday present.A.to B.as C.a D.present ()2.It's the forth of October today.A.It's B.the C.forth D.of ()3.——Wat date is it ——It's on the second 里面的音乐有句 i don t really care 的是什么歌? really?I dont care? 这个什么意思 改错,选择错误的一项,在后面的的括号里改正.1.They are talk about their presents.A.They are B.talk about C.presents ()2.I'd like to some balloons for my party.()A.I'd like to B.balloons C.party They Really Dont Care About Us歌词一定要是LRC歌词歌词,有时间那种的,有的写上去就送分 A离B有15公里——英语(两个) ( )Mr Wu's car under a tall tree?填什么词有Is Are Do Does The children _____(dance) under the tree are Mr.Green's students. 把A和B两个人分开..用英语怎么说..如题...要用break up...主要是A和B之间的那个词..可不可以说 break up A and B...? The man under the tree is Mr Wu.对under ther tree提问 _____ ______is Mr Wu? A=B 英文怎么说 there had lot we a of fun 连词成句 To gain honor for our country ,we will try our best to compete with the game fun a of had we lot (.) 连词成句 We had a lot of fun traveling there 为什We had a lot of fun traveling there为什么用traveling