
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 06:44:40
I mationed blue episode怎么翻译 有一桶油,先后二次共取出油的一半,剩下的平均装入4个罐子,每个罐子的油有23/4千克,如果第一次取出总数的2/5,第一次取出的油有多少千克? "indoor"的对应词是什么? 帮忙解句英语.拜托了各位 谢谢Your reauest for asrvice could not befulfilled please try again of contact your operator if the problem persists.帮忙解开对的加分! 幸福不是毛毛雨,这句话怎解? Earlier ,the Babylonians had attempted to map the world ,but they presented it in the form of a flattened disc rather than a sphere ,which was the form adopted by Ptolemy .更早之前,巴比伦人曾试图绘制世界地图,但是他们把它绘制 我是一个有责任心的学生我被评为学校的责任少年了,老师让写作文,自己是怎么做的和以后要怎样做,300字就够了!大哥大姐们帮帮忙!求求you们,火速!火速!火速!我在这给大家磕头了! 数学:如图角A=15°,AB=BC=CD=DE……依次下去,最多可作()条和AB相等的线段 你如何解理解这句话?国家统一,民族团结,则政通人和,百业兴旺;国家分裂,民族纷争,则丧权辱国,人民遭殃 这句话作何解昔日行船失了针今朝依旧海中寻若然寻得原针在也费工夫也费心 3看图选单词并填写, :.Perfecting Class System and Improving Class Management Level什么 意思 翻译下 一、看图选择合适的单词,把序号填在括号里. 看图填单词It was Saturday.Han Mei and Liu Hong are on their way to the cinema.When they reached the ____ ,the light turned ____ .So they had to ____ .Just then an old woman came along with two plastic bags ____ of things.She wanted to go ____ th I miss 09 level computer 2 class unconsciously once kiss sausage Alps and wonderful cool spent a happy time with me now,even if there is a person's winter 360 degrees warm for me as well as freezing this sentence has been with me for three years.. 英语翻译村子附近的山上有座明朝时期的古庙,人们相信庙里的菩萨能够帮助他们实现自己的愿望.山中有个洞,洞里有像人和动物一样的石头,据说这是由七位仙女制造的.山下有条河,每年农历 富翁某,商贾多贷其资.文言文翻译(全文) X光造影是什么 毫升大,还是升大 英译汉 信一封 再继续Web 2.0You’re on top of the world,but the world is changing,noted Mary McDowell as she opened her presentation High Order Bit — When can we scale the Mobile Web?at the Web 2.0 Summit last week.If you could not join No 帮我英译汉一封信 谢谢····Hi.This is the qmail-send program at yahoo.com.I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the followingaddresses.This is a permanent error; I've given up.Sorry it didn't work out.: does not 英译汉,一封信一个朋友写来的,大体上能看懂,英语太差劲~~~想要更准确地翻译……Hi Again. i can't remember if i already wrote back to your email. I was born may 1983, which means i'm older than you by 7 months, so maybe 英译汉,一封信,十分抱歉看不到附件,我又再次发送了一下,请您查看. is traditional family life threatened by globalization?请用英语回答, 慈母深情(作文) 下列说法正确的是:A三角形的三条高交于三角形内部的一点 B三角形和四边形都具有稳定性 大家知道三角形具有稳定性,而四边形没有稳定性,每一个多边形都可以按图甲的方法分别割成若干个三角形若有一个N边形,按照图甲的方法,可分成几个?(2)中的三角形有稳定性吗?为什么? “三角形和平形四边形都具有稳定性”这句话对吗? 英语翻译 七巧板里有几个三角形和几个四边形?求···· 场站收据有什么作用? 请问场站收据是怎么流转的?请有实际操作经验的大侠赐教!从5-8联,我只知道货代把5-8联给报关行,那么报关行拿着这几联去海关报关,海关是什么时候在第五联盖章?这几联是留在海关手里还是