
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 21:01:33
能把答案给我吗,浙江摄影出版社的 汉语指的就是普通话吗? “抑或”是普通话词语吗? 汉语就是普通话吗? 求首歌名啊 it's july 哦比家思 it's july 后面这个july是拖音 JU.LY...然后是WO 求首歌名啊 it's july 哦比家思 it's july 后面这个july是拖音 JU.LY...然后是WO 好像是去年出的 男的唱的 蛮火的 一个单词的读音 有点像 氮肥能特ly 死活想不起了 形容普通话说得好的词语 really的ly发音不一样为什么有些单词如 usually最后的Ly读的是Lei的感觉有的单词如lovely最后的ly读的是li 的感觉,. 含有LY的英文名,女,最好有发音多点~女性名字,含有LY的 把一根长3米的木料锯成3段,表面积增加18平方分米,原来这根木料的体积是多少立方分米? 真空产品(真空泵、真空阀门、真空计、波纹管等)哪家公司卖的比较齐全? 真空泵及所连设备的真空管道上用什么阀门比较合适呢?蝶阀可以吗?其适用的口径范围有多大呢?150mm以下的也能用蝶阀吗 还是用别的 410A空调抽真空结束后先拔掉真空泵的管子 再用六角拧阀门,RT 安装的师傅先拔的管子 再用六角拧了拧阀门,破真空泵连个压力表都没有,拔掉管子后我还听到气流声.也没捡漏. 哪种液体 使NaCl和Na2CO3固体 一种溶解 另一不溶?哪种液体 不要什么BaCL2,AgNO3那种 Read the following note from a colleague and write a suitable letter of reply.25/5 GillI'm on holiday next week so could I ask a favour?I need to reply to a letter I got yesterday from a company called Norman Networks - an IT service company looking Read the following text and then write a summary no more than 100 words.Mountaineers are true lovers of high places,who like climbing mountains till they reach the top of snow-covered mountains.They learn about the safest climbing methods,and how to Exercise: wasting has become a serious problem in the present society. For example, half or more than half of the dishes are left on the hotel tables; water is left leaking all day long. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: 已知二次函数f(x)=-x²+(2t-1)x+(t²+1) ①若f(x)在(-无穷大,-1]上为增已知二次函数f(x)=-x²+(2t-1)x+(t²+1)①若f(x)在(-无穷大,-1]上为增函数,求t的取 已知f(x)=x+sinx,则不等式f(t²-2t)+f(t-2) Read the following letter and write a reply to help the troubled boyDear Dr Helper,Hi!I have made many friends in my school.We are getting along very well.But one day,one of my friengds lost 100 yuan.He thought I had taken his money and he told other to write a letter to read the newspaper 的意思 中文,汉语和中国话的区别 普通话 汉语 中国话”?都指的什么 英语翻译是不是只有chinese一个或者再加个mandarin 呢,如果"学汉语"这3个字的话的话还有哪些词呢? 关于三格式化粪池隔墙的过粪管为什么要斜插,我有几个问题不解,化粪池的过粪管为什么要斜插,而且上端距池顶10-15厘米,懂得其原理的麻烦告诉我下,在此先谢过了.或者是说法是错误的,有师 化粪池入粪管安装在上面还是下面? 把一根长6米的长方形木料沿长锯成相等的3段后表面积增加18平方分米木料原来多少立方分米要列式 请问,香港人说的粤语,只是和汉语普通话发音不同吗?其它方面和汉语普通话还有不同吗?语法什么的一样吗. Read the information about Deng Yaping.then write anarticle about 中文 Read the information below.Then write an article about her.____________________________________________|Name:Linda ||Date of birth:January 20th ,1993 ||Birthplace:Ningbo,China ||1996:Went to the kindergarten(n.幼儿园)||1999:Went to a Make an information card.Then write an e-mail about yourself是什麽意思速回今天19:40分以前 The documentary is about Deng Yaping.She is a ping-pong playerThe documentary is about Deng Yaping.She is a ping-pong player.A,really Bsuccessful,C,old D,boring.