
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/29 13:20:34
史上陆地上最大的动物是什么是史上 不是现存 是阿根廷龙吗 地震龙和阿根廷龙哪个大? 祝福和礼物复数的,要用代词it还是they?就是这句Thanks for your blessings and gifts, it will always remind me of your!后面到底要用it还是they?谢谢! 英文歌巴比伦之河名叫什么啊 Don't play volleyball and football on the grass.We're sorry.这句式中的volleyball 和football要不要加S 扬州市 2009-2010 地理学业水平测试 连词成句play,football,i like,to,friday,afternoons,on 伊拉克与古巴比伦王国在地理位置上有什么关系20字左右 a.b.c.d.e 能组成哪两个单词那两个单词有大多数的的字母? a,c,b,h,e,组成的单词 生物史上最大的动物是什么? 1.I can d----- ballet.2.Mike and Mary came to KangKang's home to c-----his birthday.3.Did you r----- a Chinese poem at the party 4.I am going to t----tosome places df interest. Jim and Mike ( ) ( not be) at home now 失道寡助,得道多助的译文带完整注释 得道多助失道寡助的注释 Annie plays the piano very______(well).Sue plays it _____(well)than Annie.And Sally plays it theAnnie plays the piano very______(well).Sue plays it _____(well)than Annie.And Sally plays it _____(well). 巴比伦文明简介? 介绍一下四大文明古国之一的巴比伦对这个国家了解很少,大哥大姐门介绍一下吧,谢谢! 巴比伦文明是如何毁灭的 巴比伦文明发达吗 巴比伦文明的摇篮指的是? This book is famous all over the 请举例我们现代生活中出现的一些新事物,并简要评述其对我们生活的影响 1.The famous writer____one new book in the past tow years.A.in writing B.was writing C.wrote (taking) the plane will be expensive.的taking为什么用ing的形式?为什么那个taking要用ing形式? 英语翻译There are more than eighty disorders where cells that normally defend the body instead attack tissues and organs 如何划分句子成分 .The book _____ by Luxun is very famous.( write ) 为什么填written而不是was written 塔罗牌是用什么原理预测未来的?尽量说得详细点! He wants to_play _basketball when he has time 对有He wants to_play _basketball when he has time 对有线的提问 预测未来,国家会怎样,世界会怎样? 怎么样预测世界,预测未来在百度和GOOGLE搜"世界预测网",我看到www.51forecast.com上面有很多预测,准确高么呢 如何预测未来世界历史例如在秦朝的时候如何看到后来两千年的历史,一定有规律的 Bob doenin play basketball every Sunday.(改为肯定句)