
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 01:45:30
帮我取对情侣英文名!我希望我和他有对好听的情侣英文名! article什么意思还有mainly he gave us a good description of his experence翻译一下!这里有没有固定词组.description 是什么意思 He gave us a good __________ of his experience.A demonstration B. frequency C. description D. instruction He __________ most of his fortune to the poor.A.gave up B.gave in C.gave a 遒怎么读 “怅,寥,廓,遒”分别怎么读? 语法书上说不含普通名词的专有名词前面是不加冠词的,那么什么是不含普通名词的专有名词呢?请举一些例子,务必要准确啊 为什么要造蒙山大佛 Can you please send me a copy of "The Power of Habit" by Jack D.Hodge?My email is jim_guan@hotmail.com.Much Appreciated.Thanks 蜡烛机的海关编码是什么? by后面加the吗?by bicyle中用加the吗? 为什么?是否与By The Time有关? by the way 中文? 白居易的杨柳枝从哪个角度赞美杨柳原诗依依袅袅复青青,勾引春风无限情.白雪花繁空扑地,绿丝条弱不胜莺. 急:追忆似水年华的英文怎么说 求白居易的诗《杨柳枝二十韵》的翻译 杨柳枝的诗意 白居易 诗 杨柳枝的今译 that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them witha lengthy list of possible ones1 need not warn customers 后面的of obvious dangers 这个介词短语作的是句子的什么成分2need not warn 不需要做need 在这 we need to stop thinking of companies and businessmen as the enemy,and give them all credit.这里的credit什么意思呢?赞扬,个人认为理解为"认可"也可以The witness's story gained credit with the police after more evidence was found. 英语女主播的用人标准是什麽呀? 文科生问:昆虫的趋光性与向光性有何区别?我在百科中查过了,可还是看不出两者的区别. 为什么牛看到红的东西就疯狂大神们帮帮忙 疯狂猜图这一关是什么东西? all us all cases concerning是什么结构 熟的东西能检验出DNA么?要检验DNA一定要用未经加热过的么? 请问,一个被烧得很严重的人,还能提取到证识他身份的东西么?如DNA等. dad,are you glad if i save 10yuan for 一会儿要用到, 天气炎热的日记 好的多加10 求英语学霸,急,怎么做