
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:54:24
为什么上面一个“日” 下面一个“文”的字打不出?读min 查字典有这个字啊? 读书时,遇到有的字不认识,不理解,有时光用( )、( )、( )查字典的方法读书时,遇到有的字不认识,不理解,有时光用( )、( )、( )查字典的方法不行,还需要用( )方法去细细体会 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式.hot 请写出下列单词的比较级和最高级形式 求解“路为纸 地成册 行作笔 心当墨”. "路为纸,地为册,行为笔, 华严经中的:剥皮为纸,析骨为笔, 倾了一笔纸墨,颠覆了三生流年 三国水浒红楼梦书香门弟福祖供一墨纸笔做文章道出其中谁相送跟什么动物有关系 什么是语法形式?什么是语法手段?汉语常用的语法手段有那些? 句子结构格式跟句式跟句子格式是一回事吗?句法格式又是什么呢?“名词+动词+名词”(如我吃饭)时句子结构格式的一种,主谓,联合等结构属于词的基本结构类型,而句子有是由词组成的,那 请问一个字 左结构是章字,右上结构是经字的右半部分,右下结构是贝字,请问这个是什么字 求指教!算是语法句法问题吧...Don't forget the things you once you owned.Treasure the things you can't get.Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.这句话在好多地方见过,在网上搜索几乎 如何将九个点一笔连成 Alian is tall with brown hair.__ __ Allan __ __?There is much rain this year.=It __ very __ this year.It often snows here in winter.There is __ ___here in winter.Lin Fen lost her key and I helped her.=I __ LinFen __ ___ for tal,with,he's,hair,brown (连词成句)l 请问贝字加一个青字念什么?这个字是左右结构.贝在左青在右. 此字为上下结构的字,上面是允字头,下面是贝字.请问这个字怎么念? 上面是“幺”的下一半,下面是“贝”,这个字读什么?是个姓. 有个上下结构的字,上面是一个“其”字,下面是一个“系”字,这个字怎么读…是一个姓氏. I want to find an American friend 希望帮我检查下语法句法错误There is a saying that nothing is as delicious as dumplings.It is extremely right.In Shenyang,there is an old restaurant called LaoBian dumpling.Founded in 1829,it has a long history of 181 years.In 2000,it is r I want to get to know an American friend 改正下基本的语法句法错误there is a viewpoint agree that the tobacco industry is not only a kind of enterprise, but also related with the tobacco planter, printing, the papermaking and others,once the ban is published, it will cause the un I want to post this to a friend in America.will he have to pay duty____ it?A from B with C for D on 这里的最后的那个it 是代替什么?为什么要使用on? 有什么语法错误之类的 My mom can be seen as wind in this point; she blows first time by letting me go to Venezuela.But later she blows the second time.When I get all set in Venezuela,I got used to the new school,and I learnt Spanish and I ha 请帮我检查下语法错误It’s really a great honor to have the opportunity for this interview,my name is Tan Yu,but my friends usually call me Yu,I’m 19 years old and from Pengzhou middle school of Chengdu,and I was born in a family with har 检查语法错误I was surprised by his greetting the last time we saw,because we really have a long time not to talk,it is really a turning point about our relationship,and after it I regard others with a tolerance attitude ,I really got a happier 求指教纸擦笔的使用!最近画室的人都在使用擦笔画素描,这种方式更容易出效果 但我确不能把擦笔运动自如,因为怕画面灰掉,就先用软铅先铺上明暗再用擦笔整合接着再用硬铅上结构,但我觉 纸擦笔 怎么用? 纸笔是用来干嘛的 那种像素描用的纸笔,可是硬硬的,里面有芯的,是干嘛用的?我想它不是擦笔,它里面有条很硬的东西,擦笔是不硬的.