
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 02:29:39
a bus______(drive)must be careful when he is driving.用括号内的单词的适当形式填空. 谁知道借物喻人的古诗啊? if we let this situation go as it is ,we won't know where fish is in the future.为什么是where fish is 不用is fish 这句英语对吗?If we let this situation continue as it is,we do not know how to face our parents in the future. 床头捉刀人 塑造了一个怎样的曹操 big bang 的garagarago用中文翻译过来的歌词 teentop的mr.bang的中文翻译…求助 I n___ those trees from 1 to 10 just now.根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词 just start from my heart 是 从心出发 was just one hour from i've just backed from my pupil's pictures can good l darw怎么连词成句? 英语连读语句怎么把音标连接起来,求连who still doubts that America is a placewhere ail things are possible.[hu:][stil][daut][ðæt][ə'merikə][iz][ei][pleis][hwεə][eil][θiŋz][ɑ:] ['pɔsəbl]. 六年级的五一长假作文(书信格式)用书信格式写一篇六年级的英语,要求:60个单词以上 关于五一长假的 It's snowing hard you mush drive 什么[arefal] 音标/b^t/ 音标/t/ 与 /θ/的区别 求剑桥商务英语BEC中级复习方法我报了今年的bec中级,12月3日考,各位高人指点下怎么复习啊?我觉得时间有点紧.我一年多没摸英语了~ 求12月bec中级的复习方法! 求一个bec中级复习方法啊 床头捉刀人中曹操为什么不亲自接见使者? 床头捉刀人中曹操为什么要追杀匈奴使者 床头捉刀人中,曹操为什么追杀匈奴使者? nvidia 安装无法继续 you must install an intel driver first....我装了intel主板驱动的主板驱动都提示不用安 可是 显卡驱动还是装不上 什么 情况 有明白的么 you must install an intel driver first 但集显是装了 you must install an inter driver first 翻译 装显卡驱动出现you must intall an inteldriver first,搞不懂 1.How many days in may?( )2.How many months in 2 year?( ) 3.How many days in ayear?( )4.September 10th is ( ) Day.5.February is the ( ) moth in a years?6.Andy is university student He's ( ) (a;/) active in class.7.Miss white ( )不能 ( )(answer) jim went to play basketball after he ____ his homework空格处填 finished?还是had finished 当x趋于1时,求[x/(x-1)]-[1/㏑x]极限,用洛必达法则, 奇数的规律算式(可以带n表示的)我知道连着的一组数可以这么算:1+2+3+4......+99+100=(1+100)100/2=5050但现在我想知道单个只有奇数的有没有什么可以用个规律算式或方法表示的如;1+3+5+7......+ 洛必达法则求极限:y=(x+Inx)/x²,当x趋近于零和正无穷的极限.如果不行,为什么?