
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 00:59:01
什么花是五颜六色的?混合在一起的 In so long as the life has As long as the fire of life and light can be Shared rewarding lives 这几个字怎么读谁能给我拼一下?佢 嗰 乜 呢 啲 喺 徛 趯 埗 癐 偈 篱 闩 瞓 枧 屙 腍 晏 乸 怎么读? 已知一斜坡的坡度i=0.5,斜坡长为15m,则斜坡上最高点离地面的高度为不好意思,没学到坡度 will go to visit Beijing zoo为什么visit后不加the I will go to Beijing for___third time.填a还是the "Tell me whom you love,"Houssaye wrote,"and I will tell you who you are."什么意思? 英语翻译如题,求官方版英文名称, Tony usually--------(have) lunch at school. 柳树叶像什么东西 Tim usually have lunch at school.There is a clothes shop on the three floor. Tim usually____(have) lunch at school from Monday to Friday.理由 求助叶子上白色的东西是什么?如图,发现花叶上有白色的不知道是何东西,擦拭后依然有花枝上有类似年久墙角才出现的灰色网,如图是什么原因呢 什么叶子为人类提供食物和能源 She______usually______(not have)breakfast at school. 极其崇高而庄严的,不可亵渎 形容一个女孩太漂亮 是用不可侵犯好 还是用不可亵渎好 还是用别的相近的词好?如题 有一个男生说我在他心中是不可亵渎,是什么意思 television have made it possible for advertisers to capture of millions of people..这句话中possible前面为什么不用is , I want to be a doctor in the future ___ you are.用介词填空,麻烦详细说说 翻译下例句子:My Future I want to be a doctor in the future.When people are hurt ,I can help them.I like helping people.I also think that being a doctor is a good job to make money.I want to live in Brijing.It's a big city.My dream is to live I hope_(be) a doctor in the future根据所给单词适当形式填空.五分钟之内要 the writer never goes home with an empty bag 请翻译 I am sorry for being late,because I had to spend 2 hours_____ in the bus.A.jammed B.being jammmed C.jamming D.in being jammed那为什么不能选 D 不是有spend...in doing sth的吗? 只可远观而不可亵渎是什么意思 E___ knows what I want to be in the future 补全单词,使语义通顺 做对有奖马路上有一辆车身为15米的公共汽车,由东向西行驶,车速为每小时18千米,马路一旁的人行道上有甲,乙两名年轻人正在练习长跑,甲从东往西跑,乙从西往东跑.某一时刻,汽车追上甲,6秒 After having spent whole mornings on the river,这句话spent后可不可以加the my mother often_____(buy)some nice food on weekends Do you know how she____to become a doctor at last.A.managed B.tried C.succeeded D.achieved 怎样写借物抒情的作文