
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 15:04:38
I think it is u______ for children to do housework. ——Why do you think it is a good job?——_________________(helpful for the children). 有哪些词的拼音是以LJ为首字母的?有哪里词的拼音以LJ为首字母的比如:垃-圾 L-J超多越好! why do we have examinatiom请用英语回答, why do we have snow用英文写出形成雪的过程 臣之辛苦,非独蜀之人士及二州牧伯所见明知 这句的特殊句式是什么 且臣少仕伪朝 的句式特点是什么 judging的小问题judging by/from...是现在分词做插入语时,judging可不可以用to judge? 怎么用好词根词缀记忆? judging是什么意思原句:Do not begin judging angthing about the idea until you have understand it entirely. get not to do RT是逐渐不去做某事的意思吗 如果不是那逐渐(变得)不去做某事怎么说? I will not do anything to get her bets 女朋友写的 say to the failed,did not get 一、用所给的字母 组词. 以温暖为话题的作文该用什么题目 写自已的作文用什么题目 英语翻译恒美达中央空调设备制造有限公司,英文怎么翻译 Do you wish the school authorities would help the students to establish more societies or clubs?用150个单词左右去回答这个问题,急救啊!谢谢 chance to do Sth 与be chanced to doing The more you can involve parents in school,the better. get a chance to do 可以解释为抽空做吗 《匡衡》表现了匡衡的什么精神?并在文中找出最能具体表现这种精神的两个句子 Of all the students ;she looks___ A the happiest B the most happiest C happier D happyB 为什么不对 没有空调的英文怎么说 请问有《论语》十则的练习题(没有答案的) commit to do是保证做 commit to doing是承诺做 急 英语from用法come from 和 is from 的区别 ALL of the students.She does____carefully.空白处应该填写more 还是most?为什么? most of the students consider she a successful person找错误并改正 什么是泸市? 泸市A股是什么意思 泸山县属于哪个市