
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 15:30:20
以今天我学会了什么为题的作文 the girls sing very well.they have beautiful voices是用voices?还是voice? the girls have sweet VOICES. they sing___________.(用恰当副词填空,通过大写字母的单词)the boys are very NOISY. they are talking__________the sunshine is BRIGHT. the sun is shining_______________the prince and the princess had a HAPP 学会生存作文 快 今天 自己写的 很急的一篇作文.叫今天,我学会里感恩! Mary is saying many thanks___the young man___his kind help 空格该如何填 The white T-shirt makes my mother( look) young.为什么填look,不是looks? 在手机上如何准确地下载到高中英语听力? Because I didn't watch TV这句子可以吗? buy her story 的翻译Jane never tells lies .I buy her story.中buy her story 的意思? 这个银行不准你欠钱this bank doesn't allow u to own them moneyensure the coffee price will be set to a positive number,hence be sold on a reasonable price这句有没有语法问题 在日常口语交际中,我们应尽量避免不说病句.修改病句 修改病句:通过和同学们的不断交流,使我的口语交际能力得到很大的提升 改病句,口语交际,一定要好好做,稍微正确点,我辛苦了好半天,不要糟蹋我的劳动成果,改病句:1.下面这段文字有三句话,各有一处语病,请加以修改.(1)杭州的水资源虽然丰富,但是在利用和保 Anything else?答句是什么? all things are difficult before they are Shall we meet _____the coach station?用适当的介词填空 在线连词成句急~the which station way the to is two shall at meet o'clock we the which station way the to is two shall at meet o'clock we What's the English for this?能不能改成of Phone #对不?为什么不用at?what's this in English?怎么回答?有this is的形式么?还有who's this?是不是用it's的回答而不用this is? 一、 写出下列动词的第三人称单数 drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________ look _________ have_______ pass_______ carry ____ come________ watch______ plant_______ fly ________ study_______ brush________ do______ ANIMAL LIBERATION怎么样 ALL thing are diffcult brfore they are easy什么意思? ________ (those,all,both) things are difficult before they are easy.Who_______(have,has) a bicycle?John does.Can you help me with the two watches?_______(no,both,some) of them don't work.________ (those,all,both) things are difficult before they are 一句话英译中,you find yourselves being more social than successful 谁有sss的音频和原文20篇以上?还有听力老托30篇?麻烦发至kesitt@163.com.多谢各位! 怎么样在手机里听听力? 西班牙语原形动词的变位形式 选修课要交的,拜托各位了 At Qingming Festival,many people go to visit the tombs and remember the_____(death) 一.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式.二.句型转换一.do_____ guess_____ relax______ have_______go_______ play_______ carry_______ arrive_______finish_______ join_______二.She likes to play with her friends.(对画线部分提问)___ 西班牙语中,什么时候使用动词原形, 下列关于计算机病毒的说法不正确的是A 来历不明的软盘是病毒最普遍的传播途径之一B 任何一种计算机防病毒共聚都不能保证检测和清除所有病毒C 使用光盘不会感染病毒D 1999年出现的“美