
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 10:00:21
out of fashion 的意思? somthing out of fashion in the life 怎么翻译 . You are always __________________ (kid). If you do the same thing again, I The thing turned to bad when too many people come to the same store.这里为什在to bad的位置可以有/out bad /to bad /badly /bad /可选, 将下列人物按姓氏的音序排列黄盖 关羽 孙权 刘备 诸葛亮 按音序重新排列姓氏和地名. Can the monkey jump 用否定回答 fashion RT. as,he,a,the,street,in,bank,works,clerk,the,across连词成句 怎么用look after造句啊,要关于初一的如上 which 的用法the book of the library which is ............which 指的是library 还是book the boy love the book which is ......这里 的 which 指的是 book了吧? i know nothing about english,so i can't read the book in english(改为同一句)------ i ------english,i would read the book in english. Which的用法?要全一点哦, You can learn()about the school from the book.括号里填A、many B、a lot of C、lots of D、much The monkey can climb the tree in the zoo?(对划线部分提问) climb the tree是划线句 谁会? This dress look very old.It is out of fashion改病句 I like the dress.It is in a new s__. bank,bank,can,a,heip,clerk,in.连词成句 怎样抚平心灵的创伤 如何抚平心灵的创伤 世界上为什么有这么多悲剧,人性在一定时期为何这么残忍,现在大家在回避什么,如何抚平心灵的创伤.上学时候,只知道日本人残忍没人性,当时面对教科书里满是谴责愤讨声,在悲愤中更是不理 [[[急]]]"时间会抚平心灵的创伤"用英语怎么说 为什么要大写 读得一本好书 如同读出一片心灵的绿荫 一股滋润心灵的甘露 -------------- 一剂医治创痛的良药 仿句 母爱是一味良药能抚平儿女心灵的创伤 访写母爱是一味良药能抚平儿女心灵的创伤 母爱是--------------------------- 母爱是站在门口的一个等待的身影 母爱是---------------------------各写一句在线等 Can you climb trees?怎么回答? You can't climb this ladder(改为祈使句) you can climb the ladder into the house(改为祈使句) A:Can you climb trees?B:No,I can't .A:SA:Can you climb trees?B:No,I can't .A:So,you can't c( )me!在括号内填入正确的单词, four seasons I’m going to the school in the morning.(对to the school 提问)—— —— you going in the morning? Almost everyone today uses electricity in one way or————————otherothersthe otheranother