
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 01:49:38
I will tell them my theory.(同义句) I will ____my theory ____them 外国人中间的名字有什么用?像英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+中间名+姓.自称时用中间名还是教名?哪些情况会用到中间名?还是依个人喜好选择用教名还是中间名?第一个名字和中间的名字在取 with和to的意义为什么getangry后接withsb而friendly后接tosb呢? 我家的CF为什么进不去 老是出现一行英文字母 为什么我玩cf时会弹出一串英文字母然后强行退出 为什么CF在连接服务器时显示出一行英文字母如题,我连CF都玩不了了,具体什么英文我忘了 为什么CF选择频道时会出现一行英文字母,然后自动关闭!那行英文是can not find or load a file which is reguied to execute the game 我玩CF日服的时候 出现了一行英语字母 怎么解决 求助呢 求速度啊 suddenly,rain ,heavy.连词成句 英语作文要求给李华做一个自我介绍说一说爱好 这样写得几分my name is lihua i like lol war3 sc2 csgo dota2 gta mc and nfs bufu solo service with a 有个发音的问题和关于“like"这个词的问题1.请问什么是“对立重音“?2.请问 like to do 和like doing 到底有什么区别? kind,like,strict,polite这几个单词中的i那个发音不相同 跟like发音差不多的单词,越多越好. “ She would have been angry if she hadn't come on time?为什么用过去完成式?IF说明事情只是假设而已 It is hard to bear with criticism. say it with empathy是什么意思 i have empathy with you 这个 empathy with 是个固定搭配么? Being is what makes being being 这个英文句子该怎么翻译? being together is what makes a perfect Christmas.翻译成中文. 宇宙到底是何时开始形成的 翻译成英文 要用到强调句和being. 怎么取英文名,my name is 彭博. 请帮我起一个英文名?my name is xiaoming My name is张亚栋,想取个英文名;请高手帮忙!My name is张亚栋,1987年12月24日,大家帮忙给我取个有意义又好听的英文名啊.要求 1.英文名最好与中文名发音一致 2或者争取英文名与中文名局部发音 England的另一个在联合国正式使用的英文名字是什么 我在十二岁时第一次办了生日聚会.I___my frist birthday party ____ ____ ____ twelve. There was a pond in the garden 特殊疑问句 __ __ in the gardn? Tonight's Supper was. Stir-Fried Rice with Egg Lotus Seeds and White Fungus/这段英文是什么意思? 今晚七点你将会在家吗?shall you be at home at seven this evening?对不 which 用法 North Korea announced Thursday that it will launch its newest rocket,which many outside the country suspect is a long-range missile that can hit the U.S.mainland,sometime from April 4 to 8,giving other countries three weeks to decide whe I wish my most beloved drops wife happy birthday! Did you and she enjoy at the paty?A .themselfDid you and she enjoy at the paty?A .themself B.yourselves C.herself D.yourself and herself 请附上分析过程及原因