
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 05:16:58
有没有英语学霸教我怎么学英语? 学霸快来说说你们学英语心得!英语真的好难啊? 求歌名 歌词 i need you need you everything(女歌手)最近挺流行的! i could everything you 急 求mcfly最好听的歌曲如果可以的话,还有什么比较好听的摇滚也推荐一些给我吧. Mcfly-Transylvania这首歌的翻译拜托了各位 once there was a king who had three sons .是什么句式?所关系到什么语法?详解一下.谢谢! school lifes in America还是on America还是别的? 改错题:1.My aunt work in a supermarket.2.Mrwu walks on school every day.3.Heusually goes to New York in air4.theg all learning how to read and write.5.we have seven class on Monday. msn、bbs、E-mail方便指数 电子邮件、bbs、MSN的不同之处?利用因特网可以用多种方式与你朋友联系并交流,电子邮件、bbs、MSN等等,就工作原理、突出优势、方便指数等等指数说出它们的不同之处.(300字左右) 回答准 where there is the most comfortable shoes on your feetWhere there are the most comfortable shoes on your feet,where there is the most wonderful life right now.这个句子是怎样的一种语法结构 Whoes gloves are they?()my() A、It’s,mother‘s B、They’re,mother‘s C、They’re,mother 莎士比亚是( )国文艺复兴时期的戏剧家和( )人 莎士比亚是___国文艺复兴时期的戏剧家、诗人,主要作品有喜剧《__________》、悲剧《______》等. Because I went to the Yunnan .I saw many things.这句话是否正确,我在描述我暑假去了云南,我认为那很好,然后下一句就是这个英文,是否用过去式?还是说:Because I go tozhe yunnan.I see many things? —Excuse me , could you tell me ____?—There's a bank on the second floor.You can make it there .A where I can change money B how I can get to the bank C where can I change moneyD how can I get to the bank You don't think I have made mistakes .这句话也是否定转移吗?第二人称是不是也是否定转移 Excuse me ,cou you tell me ______?There is a bank on the second floor You can make it there.A where I can change the money?B how I can get to the park C if there is a bank here D where the bank is You don't think I have made mistakes ,do you 为什么反意疑问句不用 don't you 这句话是不是否定转移,如果是为什么反意疑问句不用 don't you 葛底斯堡演说中一句话:who here gave their lives that that nation might live 第一个that是什么作用 That woman is a teacher.改为复数形式 强调句里一律不用倒装吗? 倒装强调句 这题选什么 i don't think Jack will come today,_______.A.nor will Mary.B.and Mary doesn'tC.Mary will eitherD.or Mary does Sorry,no ads are available for you to click on this page at this time 请英 Here I am to Worship 的歌词 Lucky To Be Here 歌词 He is the best student in his class.同义句 here i am to be togehter 出自哪一首歌这是一首国语歌里的一句歌词. here i am to be togetther是什么歌是广东卫视《台北故宫》节目的片尾曲 改错:Who do you think of made him cleaned the classroom yesterday?Who do you think of made him cleaned the classroom yesterday? what's his size?