
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 13:45:42
如题,what letter should replace the question mark?what letter should replace the question mark?如题,回答. what number should be in the place of"?"? what letter should the question mark beA F O E ? S J O X?=什么字母 letter should be in the place of A CF J K M P T W Z D E选项:A.G B.U C.V D.X That kind of shoes has ----.A sold out B been sold out TV的完整形式拜托了各位 谢谢 TV柜 英语怎么说 看电视机 用英语怎么说 值得不是真正的看电视 指的是看外观 可以说成 Look at 孩子想在洛阳学口语,听朋友说高中生学口语.有个叫王西斯的很好, My friend Dave gave me some ()on how to learn English .A,adviceB,resolutions C,reasons D,education 短文有几处错误,改正过来The Greens likes traveling very much.Last 1._______________________ summer,they went to visit the South America.They 2._______________________ started their trip in the thick forest there.They 3._____________________ 福如东海长流水寿比南山不老松的横披是什么? 【贵宾专用】的 英语怎么说是要写在商品包装上的 所以希望正式一点 尊敬的贵宾用英语怎么说 我对文科学的差反思作文1000字 The girl always asks me for ___ when she was in trouble. The boy always asks me for __________ when he is in trouble.A.pieces of advice B.some advice C.some suggestions (英语)用恰当的人称代词填空. 英语..人称代词填空、.Her sister is helping ___(we)John and i are in the same school..___(our)go to school together.Everyone likes ____(she),what about(you)Danny gives the book to___(she)____(i)have many friends .some 问几条英语问题(用人称代词的适当形式填空)1,___(我)am a teacher.2,___(她)is eleven years old.3,___(他)studies in NO.1 primary school.4,___(我们)have English,mach,Chinese today.5,___(它)is a map of china.6,Mr Brown help___(我)w 一道英语 用适当的人称代词填空.If you have a pet ,you should take good care of_______. 每个人称代词和哪个be动词搭配? 不同的人称代词对应哪些be动词 The girl didn't see her mother for a long time,but yesterday she got a g------ from her顺便翻译一下 英语【我,你他,她,它,我们,你们,他们】的人称代词和相应的be动词 为什么英语中有些人称代词后要加be动词再加动词?球拯救QAQ像比如说i'm always......和i always......不都可以吗?什么时候用前者什么时候是后者呢o.o 福如东海xxx,寿比南山xxx(悬赏30)每个x表示一个字.这句话是一句对联. 望认真回答! China is a country with a long history.还是China is a country with long history.到底哪个正确?翻译:中国是一个有着悠久历史的国家 In the country sales of fruits and vegetables____38% in the last three yearsA,have rise by B,have rised to C,has lifted on D,has got into为什么不选C选A? Several_______new books were sold out last week.若答案是thousand of有什么错一楼二楼的同志,two thousand也是不加S的三楼,数词+thousand/hundred/......+of是“这些书中的几千本的意思 He is said ____several English books.to have raedto raedreading那个 read打错了 脸红个...再来选to have read的话翻译成 据说他读过好几本英文书籍了可以么?语法有错未?