
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 14:47:52
My uncie is having a trip to Austalia(改为同意句) if you will hold the bag for me,i will open the door.这句话中条件状语从句为什么用将来时态? 找一篇Analysis of cash flow statement and Application(现金流量表的分析与运用)的外文文献不用太长,word5页左右,能有中英文对应最最好,Analysis of cash flow statement (现金流量表分析)也行外文文献, they were happy to be on the ship called the titanic.句子中已经有谓语,为什么还有call A little too know beauty lies in the lover's eyes?求翻译? 各自人生, 生活如人饮水冷暖自知是什么意思 人生是一场冷暖自知的修行又是什么意思 生死轮回,谁能告诉我人生的意义在哪里?生生死死,过眼云烟.何处才是痴男怨女们真情付出的意义寄托? one of的用法(没有例句,就只是one of的用法) one of the best 的例句 用 one of the reason..(句子)...in that...(句子) 求三个例句 用英语写一封拒绝信收到一封来自英国朋友的来信,邀请我去那边玩,但是由于要参加叔叔婚礼不能去了,写一封信拒绝她,向她道歉并说明原因200 - 250 字左右 帮写封ENGLISH拒绝信 写得委婉一点.信的内容大概是说我有男友了,感谢他对我的爱,他人很好,但我们的距离太远了,希望我们还是好朋友. Doing credit to one's community. to one's credit意思到底是one的行为值得赞赏还是有一件什么事使one觉得值得赞赏结合例句说明 这个世界不缺乏热闹的现象,而缺乏深入的思考 仿写仿写 Fearing of being hurt after being serious,I am not going to be in love with anybody to credit one’s success 求各种商务信件的英文模板只需按照模板格式,填空就可以的那种 Thanks for the lovely shirt you sent me at Christmas. I got struck in the heavy traffic这个句子中能用stuck吗 61.The traffic was very heavy,otherwise I ________ here 50 minutes sooner.语法61.Thetraffic was very heavy,otherwise I ________ here 50 minutes sooner.A) would beB) should beC) had beenD) would have Been(B) love me the person is you,is i hurt you,attentvely heal your wounds,and hand in hand again Love you forever!Even the deepest hurt中文意思是什么? "one,that,it"在指代前面的词汇、短语、句子,以避免重复时,分别指代什么? 请帮忙分解下面这个句子,one和插入语“when it all came toghther”指代什么?如何理解?Eventually I think one realized on the opening night, when it all came together, the response was such thatwe thought: Yes, I think we are invol 急!My heart, the bird of the wilderness, has found its sky in your eyes,这句话有语法错误没?我怎么觉得它有语法错误,请教一下各位高手! 英语信函作文分哪几类 ? 最好每类 都带模板的 , 急求 . he looked very in room,and shouted the words of welcome the postal service like i job my .怎么like i job my .怎么排顺序