
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 07:29:02
求一首“吾独爱雪”的藏头诗 赞美雪景求藏头诗“吾独爱雪” 内容为赞美雪景的 请大家赞美一下雪景 请从逻辑角度判断以下题目中X代表哪个数字?1 3 2 1 X 0请从逻辑角度判断以下题目中X代表哪个数字?1 3 2 1 X 0 (英语)用所给动词的适当时态形式填空 3Q1、The twins ____ (be) in sports club for five years2、As soon as she ____ (get) to the USA ,she will e-mail to you Thank you for____ (tell)me about your holiday!根据所给词的适当形式填空 从逻辑角度判断以下题目 X代表那个数字 1,8,15, 与邻居和睦相处的事例不要用第一人称啊,最好是第三人称的事例,古时候的也可以,或者自己遍一个, 和邻居应该怎样和睦相处?越快越好 could you show me around your school?翻译 Thank you for taking me around your school--________下有选项A don't mention it B Never mind C Of couse not D No thanks Could you show me around your school? would you please ()(show)me around your school Would you pelase ———(show)us around your school. 急,PPT,主题自定,十张幻灯片英文的最好搞笑点的 幻灯片的英文全名叫什么? 英语 幻灯片求帮忙做一个英语幻灯片主题自选 找些容易做的做出来视效果打分 好的话加50 不好也有30加 在国庆之内做完做好发到邮箱附上百度ID 英语翻译如果我成为一个律师,我就不能和孩子们打交道了If I am a lawyer,I won't ____ ____ ____work ____children.____上应该填什么? 1.To be frank,I really prefer the former program to the ( )A late B later C lately D latter2.To our surprise ,the shop remained ( )though many customers had queued outside.Alocking B locked C being locked Dto lock3In English ,( ) a command is less po 请从逻辑角度判断以下题目中X代表哪个数字?; 逻辑角度判断以下题目中x代表哪个数字?9*5 7*3 5*X 英语翻译马来是马来西亚 英语翻译求英文翻译这一段:五一假期就要到了,我想去的地方是马来西亚.马来西亚全年都很热,而且这里的人们也很热情.在这里,天上有很多星星.还可以去看世界上最大的花.希望大家日后能 三道英文选择题,简单说下原因43,we come to a place ______ they had never paid a visit before.A,which B,in which C,on which D,to which 44,Is this lab ______ they visited yesterday?A,which B,the one C,that D,to which 45,The factory ______ yo 1999年10月12日,世界人口总数突破几亿大关.快 请从逻辑角度判断X代表哪个数字?1,3,6,10,X 高一单调性 讨论函数f(x)=x^2-4ax+1在(-4,4)内单调性 函数f(x)=1/3X³-(1+a)x²+4ax+24a,其中常熟a>1讨论f(x)d的单调性 六年级英语````根据解释写出单词(第一个字母已给出)(1)It is smaller than a river.s_______(2)It is made from water vapour c_______( 3)It falls from the clouds r______(4)He helps people be safe.p_______(5)It warms our planet.s______ 求麦新词曲的大刀进行曲(原二十九军军歌)原词:大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去,二十九军的弟兄们,抗战的一天来到了!抗战的一天来到了!前面有东北的义勇军,后面有全国的老百姓.咱们二十九 世界上跑步最快的陆地动物是?灭绝的除外? 2道英文选择题,简单说下原因54,it was not ______ he took off his dark glasses ______ I realized who he was.A,when,that B,until,when C,when ,then D,until ,that 55,mother was worried because little Alice was ill,espically ______ father was aw 2道英文选择题.说下原因33,I hope a dialogue.said the spokes man ,_______between the two president next week will give us some active signal.“ A,making B,to make C,to be made D,made.34,how do you deal with the agreement between the company