
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 02:57:05
My father ____(please) to see me. please remeber me to you father How is your father?Please r_ me to your father 填什么 did you watch the news?这里的 watch 和 news 之间如何连读?如题.再更改一下提问。不只是连读,我的意思是,watch和the 之间怎么读?直接读?还是略读?略去watch 后面的 my father has ___the tv news(watch)帮我一下的搜 The value of it is never know until it is lost 宾语从句能放在be动词后吗比如说 his problem is that. 曾经想过艺术般的生活用英语怎么说? 如此样的生活你门能体会到吗 请问用英语怎么说阿? 英语翻译 美不是可以单纯用一双眼睛就可以下结论,而是要用心和生活方式去体会它其中的独特之处用英语怎么说 蒙语女神、生命、艺术、生活怎么说 如何能像掌握汉语拼音一样熟练掌握英语音标?看到音标能准确地读出来,会读的能准确地标出音标.并能根据读音规律记住单词. 荒野的呼唤精彩部分急 从容的近意词 如可运用英语音标请问各位月友虽然我48个英标都会读,但是我看到一个单词了,我就感到很困扰,为什么同样的字母,在不同的英语单词中会是不同的英标呢?请问是如何给一个英语单词打英标的 去某地的方向 是用the direction of 还是to我问的是 the direction of 还是the direction to 英语the direction of the night I looked out of the window中,OUT OF为什么加OF呢?有什么意义呢? CRY OF THE BANSHEE怎么样 栎这个字读什么,怎么用词 荒野的呼唤主要类容 it's a common scene in the film tangshan earthquake that families cry helplessly over ___is left of their homes ,A what B which C there D it 分析下句子结构,和翻译下, It is a common scene,in this day and age ,we can see in our daily life.这个英语句子写的对吗?中间的介词短语插的对吗 chile是哪个国家 这个字是什么? 英语口语达人进学英语好多年了,感觉老是有些音发不好,大家有什么好的经验分享一下,比如照着镜子对口型什么啊.不胜感激 The Time between Ordering and Eating为什么翻译成当爱渐渐沉默? 【高悬】三道阅读题After our hospital visit,my husband and I needed cheering up,so weAfter our hospital visit,my husband and I needed cheering up,so we thought we would treat ourselves to a big breakfast at our favourite restaurant.While we w The letter ___our guests' intention to visit came after their arrivalA in announcingB announcingC had announcedD having announced Having finished my homework,I went to bed这句话怎么改成什么after finish和when i had finish? After our hospital visit,My husband and I neededcheering up,so we though we would treat阅读理解 求你么了 快点