
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:37:16
be poor in的具体用法?麻烦你具体点、、、、、、、 包公判案的故事 the waiter teach me a few words of english可不可以改成 the waiter do teach me a few.加了did后句子是否错误.是变成了强调句了吗? 包公的作风 后半句 _______ him a few words of japaneseA.Who taughtB.Who did he teachC.Who did teach D.Whom did he teach are的复数形式或第三人称单数形式 And,the questions have to go beyond just about my hobbies. none of the mountains beyond the river had been taken.怎么翻译,专家级别解答, because they usually receive the same score on examinations,there is disagreement as to who is the better student.这句子里的as to是什么意思 Deus Eu gosto de lésbicaSOS、请问上面这句话是什么意思.又是哪国语言呢.我只有 35 积分、所以出 10 The house in london are e( ). E( ) a little flat w( ) a garden costs a lot of money. With l( ) money,one can get a little house in the country with a garden of o( ) own.In the country,one can rest from the n( ) of the town.Though one has to get up e( I do apologize for my fault () the day before yesterday,括号里面填哪个介词of/或什么的, 句子改成被动语态 what do you often eat for breahtast what do you often do如果把you改成he句子怎么写 把What do you often do at the weekengs改为同义句 far away from 冬天想看萤火虫怎么办 冬天里有萤火虫吗? It costs too much中为什么用much 不用many 3I'm too tired .Let's __out.A go B not go C not to go D don;t go ----Please try () out the math problem.-----I 'm too tired ()A.to work; to tink it aboutB.working; to think it aboutC.working; to think about itD.to work; that I can't think about I'm too tired.Ican't walk any f---.let's have a rest now.The l--- they are talking with over there is my new English teacher Você no soube que eu gosto de você muito muito EU gosto de você. 有关善良的格言 关于做梦的问题!假如你做了梦只有你自己才能看的到梦中的场景.有没有办法让梦中的场景在一个“屏幕”里面出现,我指的不是“盗梦空间”人当然是不能进入其他人的梦境.但是有什么仪器 你有没有曾经做梦然后梦中的事情发生于现实患者信息:女 浙江 湖州 病情描述(发病时间、主要症状等):不做梦想得到怎样的帮助:为什么不做梦不怎么做梦客户四睡眠质量也不好 我的即视感出现时,总感觉是做梦梦到的一样,从梦中的突然环境突然转换到现实.偶尔还可以预测别人接下来会说什么.当即视感出现,周围一切某莫名的恍惚,伴随轻微耳鸣和模糊(也有可能是 请问,你是再做地理小博士吗 求《水浒传》1000字左右的读书笔记《水浒传》的读后感或读书笔记,字数最好在1000字左右。如果超过了,最好就做一些修改,把字数浓缩,你难道以为我除了照顾其它科目的作业之余,还有 什么是地理小博士老师要做地理小博士的提纲 ‘贤内助’是什么意思