
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:59:44
O(∩_∩)O哈哈~请问大家谁有带音标的英语六级单词 能发给我一份吗 非常感谢 一年四季春常在 万紫千红永开花 横批:喜迎新春 意思 一年四季春常在 万紫千红永开花 横批: in the same in the same vein in the same light they often fail to consider the fire chief in the same light that they do other department heads. 一年四季冬最寒 什么 数字 猛犸象是在冰河世纪时代存活的物种,已经灭绝了近五千多年,修改病句 猛犸象是什么时候灭绝的?为什么?现存的大象中,那种和猛犸象最接近? Papa ____it that much of my spare time was profitably occupied.A.handled B.dealt with C.saw to D.treated 大象的种类(从古代到现代,猛犸等也要)急急急 Papa saw to it that much of my spare time was profitably occupied.请翻译 (except,apart from)that,everything is all right.为什么填apart from不填except呢?xiexie ____ that ,everything all right .A.Except B.Apart from 选哪个为什么? (except)(apart fom)that,everything is all right. everything except the weather 这个them指代什么?It is possible that there is a definite relation between these paintings and the markings that sometimes accompany 【them】.是paintings还是markings还是两者皆是?请说明理由.会不会是paintings and markings?这 这里them指代谁stratified societies are marked by differences among people that identify them as being "higher" or "lower" 这里的them指代的是谁啊?the writers seldom mention their sources of evidence,and thus we do not know what credence to give them.这个them指的是sources还是writer?我觉得是writer可是错了………………为什么不是writer?如 they're的完整形式急 they're的完全形式 they‘re的完整形式用英语怎么写? Our teather told me that i should take the dictionary with me.改为同义句 They 're和They are的区别 but they're怎么读(谐音就行,但要得像) 恐龙是什么时期出现的,到什么时候消失的.中间一共有多少时间? 机器效率越高什么越低 With no one ________ the plan,he had to abandon it.A.agree on B.agree to我觉得选B 英语翻译Decisions in life are rarely black and white but usually involve shades of gray.When it's time for dinner,the decision you face is not between fasting or eating like a pig,but whether to take that extra spoonful of mashed potatoes.When ex who re are they缩略形式或完全形式 those who trust their own abilities and judgment will find creative solutions,enabling them to be more productive and successful.enabling them在这句话中怎么翻译,使能够他们?enabling 简明释义adj.有可能,或有条件完成的v.使能 翻译句子:我想他们现在正处于危险之中.I thought them ___ ___.