
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 20:10:11
熟( )无( )近义词 说有王了了的小说,就是《你是温暖 逆光而来》 这类的短点的 求跟《你是温暖,逆光而来》类似小说 all the rooms are --- with electeic light A supplide B given Coffered D burnt spend todo 和spend doing 区别 All the rooms are ___with lights.A.given B.supplied c.taken D.offered 为什么选B? with the addition of simple .yet.the special world of school and the real world of school and of everyday life can be more comfortable,productive and rewarding with the addition of simple yet important life skills such as good reading habits.这里 一篇以“承诺”为话题的作文,字数500字左右.一定要切合实际,符合现实,内容随便,给我凑凑字数也行. 1.jacky is ____ of the winsA younger B the youngest C the younger D young2.last teacher's day the teachers receive a box ____ cardA was filled with B full of C fill with D fulled with 划红线的地方是如何得到的 高一物理 请问这个电路中划红线的地方有电压吗?用电器两边有电流才会产生电压吗?导线左边没有跟开关连,断开! 物体运动的速度包括大小和方向吗? 当∠BED与∠B,∠D满足_____时,可以判定AB//CD 2.是说明你填写得条件的正确性 He occupied his whole afternoon reading book为什么是reading 凉拌鱼丝怎么做? 我从什么中学到了语文 作文 字数400左右 6x+(55-x)=400怎么解? 积木用英语怎么说 "用积木摆出个城堡"用英语怎么说孩子喜欢玩积木,他经常跟我说:我摆出了个火车,摆出了件手枪,搭出了个城堡。请问用英语怎么说! 根据功率、效率求水池容积用一台功率为49kW、效率是80%的水泵抽水,能在10min内把一台距离水面20m的高的水池装满水,求该水池的容积?是怎么求出来的?公式,思路写清楚谢谢. “我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑”谁写的? “我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑.”是谁写的? 求原文We're always asking ourselves about this question,but no answer,for we're still too young toWe're always asking ourselves about this question,but no answer,for we're still too young to answer it.we haven't 托福口语经典加试题目 act commercially act在物理中什么意思?急求,谢谢 一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,第一小时行了全程的百分之25,第二次行了50千米,两个小时两个小时一共行了全程的百分之45.甲乙两地相距多少千米? 怎么拼5×5的魔方?我现在可以拼出一层,请问各位高手接下来要怎么拼? 出尔反尔告诉我们的道理同上、、、、、 越冬作物有哪些 为什么说 油菜 是越冬作物? You'd better write a shopping___ before you go to the supermarket.