
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 09:11:28
今年还有没有国家励志奖学金和助学金了? 二大题,急 只要二大题 二大题, 如何做短文改错题 帮忙做英语短文改错题,急用,(每行一个)When I got back my hotel room at 7:30 last night(1.)there was a notice that a Mr Frank Smith(2.)had telephoned at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and that(3.)the message told Mr Smith would appreciate 如果一个双曲线的图像经过点(-a,b),那么它一定经过同时经过点(-b,a), 已知:如图,双曲线的图象经过A(1,2)、B(2,b)两点. (1)求双曲线的解析式; 三个火一个木读什么 销售员周报怎么写? 销售助理的周报总结怎么写?第一次接触销售..要崩溃了.. 在公司怎么写周报啊? 我写周报要提一些意见和,见意不知怎么写 谁帮我做下这个短文改错One day the sun was very strong,Jim was so tired to walk.There was no trees near the road ,so he restedunder a big rock.After drinking some water ,he took hisshirt,lay down on the ground and fall asleep at once.he was 短文改错One day the sun was very strong,Jim was so tired to walk.There was no trees near the road ,so he restedunder a big rock.After drinking some water ,he took hisshirt,lay down on the ground and fall asleep at once.he was very tired that he d 短文改错帮忙做一下 急 王莹连笔字什么写 请教关于双曲线的知识过双曲线的一个焦点作直线,被双曲线的一支截得一段长度,在这所有的长度中,通径是最短的吗?如果不是,能不能找出与通径等长的两条线段?这个要怎么计算? 椭圆,园,双曲线等图形的公式及知识点快摸底考试了,忽然发现有好多知识都忘了,书找不到了, 关于椭圆双曲线的知识 高中双曲线知识点 how am i supposed to know a thing like that?翻译成中文啊 最好用照片拍下来, What does the birthday card say?Can l ____(read/see/wath/look)it?说一下为什么 what does the postcard say?can I ___it?A:looked B:read C:watch 是一个字,那位高手告诉我怎么才能打出来, 以《将石头垫在脚下》为题的国旗下演讲稿?初三水平的,大意是鼓励同学将此次月考的失败作为向上奋发的动力什么的.500字左右,写得好会有加分 求图中25题的解析,语法什么的详细点 25题 第25题 谁能给我详细讲解下两张图的第一题 我要十分详细的! 一道数学图形题,如图,大三角形是等边三角形,大三角形的点O的度数是120°,如果将底面的处与点O连接,再以连接的这条线作为边长画出一个等边三角形,则画出的等边三角形的面积是大三角形的