
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:46:53
荔枝核治什么病 Rearrange the following sentences so that they make a readable passage.1.He was on his way to visit his mother.2.He looked in all his pokets,but found he did not have the right coin for the telephone call.3.A young officer was at the railway station. In your own words explain the following sentences or parts of sentences taken from the passage 宋朝和明朝的1000两银子和1两黄金等于现在的多少人民币?是宋朝和明朝,是1000两银子和1两黄金等于现在的多少人民币 明朝一两白银等于多少文钱 明朝时一两银子的购买力?相当于现在的多少. 请问恩施地区的土壤气候最适宜那些经济农作物的生长?我是咸丰的,主要想了解这个地方及周边的情况!希望了解的朋友能帮帮忙.请大家踊跃发言,说的全面些,择优送分!如果有特别出彩的答案 He looks_____ there is no one nearby填介词或副词具体的道理和意思说下 用适当的介词或副词填空:There is a discount ( )these books. how ___going there?副词介词填空 怎样从外形上判断荔枝的核是大是小? 明朝古碗可以卖多少钱 中国古代四大明间故事 请问在古代(比如明朝)一文、一钱、一两相当于人民币多少钱 The boy is on the school football team,为什么用介词on? I have joined the school football team.(同义句转换) I 'm ____ ____ of the school football team. 自来水有一个圆柱形的蓄水池高3米外侧面周长75.08米池壁厚0.25米.现用水泥粉刷内外壁、顶部和底部粉刷的面积是多少? 有一个圆柱形的蓄水池高3米外侧面周长75.08米池壁厚0.25米.现用水泥粉刷内外壁、 make conversation make a conversation什么区别 I can't make up a conversation with Tim这里的make up please make up a conversation a____ to the four pictures根据首字母填空 明朝时期一两银子等于几钱银子? 在明朝时期,一两白银等于多少文钱! 哥俩好万能胶耐高温?我的汽车暖风水箱接头掉啦.用哥俩好粘住行吗?水箱水温80度左右行吗? when a football game was shown on the air.为何用介词ON the是介词吗? 怎样才能把哥俩好万能胶给熔化我把哥俩好万能胶涂在硬币上了 本是想把好多硬币粘在一起 但失败了现在每个硬币上都有凝固的胶水 请问要怎么样才能把硬币上的胶水除掉 look(at) see watch readJust _________straight ahead and you'll_______a huge bridge.The detective__a well-dressed lady often appear at noon in the supermarket.Teacher said to us,"_______ me!"________my mouth _______the mapSam _______me and turned away 建一个仓库,占多大空间,求的是( );粉刷这个仓库粉刷面积是多少,求的是( ). 英语翻译如题 书上是用的look at 但是练习册中是用的read,请给我一个准确的答案 read a map和look atamap区别请给出正确解释(并且要详细,)写错了,read a map和look at a map. 一个棱长为10厘米的正方体木块中间,从上到下挖去了一个底面半径为4厘米的圆柱体,这时剩余木块的表面积是多少?