
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 15:37:30
张道真语法是新版的好,还是老的好新版的封面是怎么样的 以“这就是我”为话题,写一篇作文 拱桥的形状是抛物线,其函数关系式为y=-1/3x*2,当水面离桥顶的高度为25/3m时,水面的宽度为多少米? 有一首歌,英文的,其中有一句是I saw you walking in the rain. keep sb ()sth 怎么写这就是我的一篇作文 what kind of robot do you want 高一英语2道单选I can't understand why jack does the similar job to mine but he earns_____A more than twice as muchB twice so much more than正解A more than twice as much 符合倍数表示法么It was a modern building,well ____on the rising 高一英语两道单选1.We were going out____it began to rain.(答案是when,为什么while不行.while 不是可表示然而么)2.It was third times that i have reminded you ___(of/about)your promise.(remind of与remind about 有什么区别 does what madam belinsky said come ture?是什么句型啊不是宾语从句吧?搞不懂 次奥 1.He was running the ______ of being fired by speaking his real thoughts about the systemA.role B.dange C.risk D.cause 2.It’s very______ that he hasn’t know the bad result of the exam.A.likely B.sure C.natural D.common 英语翻译妹妹要去美国,给她买了个杯子,想在上面写这句话,无奈我英语太烂了~翻译的尽量简洁优美,最重要的是不要有语法错误,我不想她被美国同学嘲笑啊啊啊! 双曲线x^/a^-y^/b^=1 两条渐近线的夹角为2a,求离心率 江姐的丈夫是谁 哪首歌的歌词里有“呀“ 江姐的原名? 谁能教教我f(x)=a^x则f'=a^x lnaf(x)=loga^x则f'=1/xlnaf(x)=lnx f'=1/x这几个是怎么导过来的,如果遇到了怎么算,你自己举几个例子要全面详细的,会的来 紫藤萝瀑布首尾两句话什么意思 假期怎样自学英语六级,推荐几本好书!还有怎么提高英语? 以这就是我写一篇作文 大学英语六级是自学还是在大学时段的标准课程?北京的 why don't you do sth中的you是什么物主代词, 英语翻译回族同胞以制作小吃为营生由来已久.俗话有“回回‘两把刀’、‘八根绳’”的说法.“两把刀”指卖牛羊肉和卖切糕的,“八根绳”是对挑担行商小贩的泛称.回族小吃形成许多世代 《红岩》里江姐之死是在第几章? If you walk along the street,you _____ the new theatre.a.find b.are going to find c.will findIf you walk along the street,you _____ the new theatre.a.find b.are going to find c.will find急!b和c那个对呜呜,听不懂,我要,b c什么区别 _____(walk) along the street,and you'll find the resturant on you left.空格处答案为:walk为什么要用walk而不用walking呢? 什么英语书的课文是跟据大学英语六级编的 类似新视野这类书 豆本加 一年拿下六级是自学?如果是自学要如何自学呢..零基础开始 听说他高中英语差到不行 Have you,is the greastest happiness in the world 啥意思 Even if the end of the world.i have to and you to. 连词成句 1. get,at,up,your,six,does,mother,thirty(?)连词成句1. get,at,up,your,six,does,mother,thirty(?)2. take,morning,a,shower,do,in,you,the(?)3. eat,12:00,friend,at,does,lunch,your(?)4. does,get,up,she,time,usually,what( 有什么好的方法记文言文120个实词常见的文言实词有以下120个:爱、安、被、倍、本、鄙、兵、病、察、朝、曾、乘、诚、除、辞、次、从、殆、当、道、得、度、非、复、负、盖、故、固