
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 23:06:15
what's wrong with this beautiful girl 18w的节能灯坏了怎么修呀?早上节能灯连着开关2次就不亮了,下午重新打开又亮了,晚上开的时候又不亮了,是怎么回事啊? The poet often compates the girl he loves with a red rose翻译! 为什么说铁生锈是水和空气共同作用的结果? 85W 的节能灯一小时用多少度电怎么算 77的公因数有那些hhhhhhhhhhhhh 史学界认为,新文化运动是戊戌变法和辛亥革命的继续,主要是就其A 作为反封建运动来说的B 作为一场文化运动来说的 i don't mind spending everday look for the girl with the broken smile ask he 英语 句子 分析下 顺带帮忙翻译 The reader puts questions,as it were,to the text and gets answer broken smile怎么翻译啊..直译是破碎微笑?那意译大概是什么意思啊... 翻译一下 A girl needs to wear two things to look great : Confidence and Smile ! 在标准状况下,1体积X2克和2体积Y2克化合生成2体积气态化合物,则该化合物的化学式是什么 Diary英语名翻译成中文,急急急急急急! 经纬仪主要轴线间应满足的几何条件是什么? there is a girl being with me it is u 翻译 英语翻译There is also a girl on the bike in the advertisement,but we cannot give you a girl with the bike. 经纬仪应满足的几何条件 帮我算道数学题!我想了很久都没想出来单位:100立方米运距:20米以内 112.14元每增加10米推距35.04元问在一公里的作业面下求总的钱数 2014南京二模化学答案892375886 根据首字母提示填单词 How did you f_____ about the trip?Write a t____ diary like jane's.I can't swim ,but I want to t____ it. When does jane write her diary? 英语翻译Breaking Benjamin - The Diary Of JaneIf I had toI would put myself right beside youSo let me askWould you like that?Would you like that?And I don't mindIf you say this love is the last timeSo now I'll askDo you like that?Do you like that? I put down a girl of act with dignity I put down a girl of act with dignity这是什么意思 在标准状况下,1体积X2(g)和3体积Y2(g)化合生成2体积气态化合物,则该化合物的化学式为 Don't put up with put down怎么翻译 英语错题, 已知实数x,y满足x+y+2x-2√3y=0,求:㈠x+y的最大值;㈡x+y的最小值? 2014年平谷化学二模第25题25. 向一定质量AgNO3和Cu(NO3)2的混合溶液中加入Zn,溶液质量与加入Zn的质量关系如右图所示.下列说法正确的是 A.取a点溶液,滴加稀盐酸,无白色沉淀 B.c点溶液中溶质 解一道数学题 8+2-4+9-4+6+2-8+4+5-7+2/2+32 一个人想称量11.6g实验,由于砝码与食盐位置放错了,实际称的的食盐为多少克?(1g以下用游码) 曹操的介绍!