
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 17:32:25
It's obvious that the former is the best choice at any rate什么意思 玉米种子最重要的部位是 玉米粉是玉米种子哪个组成部分胚还是胚乳 有谁知道be of world/home interest和be of ... importance的意思呢?谢谢帮忙 out of interest 是不感兴趣的意思么?那为什么 I came out of interest.的意思是【 我是因兴趣而来的】呢? what is the boy的同义句What ______ the boy _______? how handsome the boy is!的同义句.(以what) 求解..谢谢 how handsome the boy is!的同义句.(以what) 柳敬亭说书中王月生是谁 要白话文 南京一时有两行情人,王月生、柳麻子是也.翻译 《柳敬亭说书》中在文章两次提到王月生,其用意是什么? 神仙道张麻子属性介绍 张麻子怎么玩 一句带子字的句子,半句7字 one that was suitable for animals to live in 中为什么有in 他坚信每天听英语新闻有益处用英语怎么说有助于回答者给出准确的答案 It's suitable for people to live in.这个句子有错误么?请问什么时候动词后面要加in呢? “英语新闻的标题的特征浅析”用英语怎么说正式一点的翻译,做论文的改成了——英语新闻标题的词汇特点浅析, 康熙王朝中是谁画了张大清地图? 陈毅写的 梅岭三章的意思 是什么 怎样在1年内提高高中数学成绩?SOS~我是在一所职业高中,但是我的数学水平基础十分的低~而且学制只有2年. 求y=2x-3+根号下13-4x的值域.其中有一个步骤是这样的:令根号下13-4x=t〔t大于等于0〕.则2x=1/2〔13-t平方〕.可这个2分之一哪里来的啊,怎么又会多了一个13.这到底是怎么换算的.请帮 如图,在四边形ABCD中,对角线AC平分∠BAD.在CD上取一点E,BE与AC相交于F,延长DF交BC于G.求证:∠GAC=∠EAC.(用直线方程做,别用塞瓦定理) You must do whatever is best for you.这句话改成从句如何改啊? 有关雅思词汇的问题 当当上有 俞敏洪 编著/2010年06月/群言出版社 还有王陆807雅思词汇精讲听力篇 等哪种书籍更好有没有推荐的 其他我不知道的版本 更好的书籍 求介绍,求推荐~ 还 如何判断一篇原创文章的质量高低/? 下面语法对吗--你还想要些什么1:what else do you want ?2:what do you else want ?我还想要些粉笔I else want some chalk after that,he knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his abilityget through也有战胜,克服的意思,是不是可以与get over互换 After that ,he knew he could —— any emergency by doing what he could to theAfter that he knew he could______any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.A.get away with B.get on with C.get through D.get across为 after he told me,l knew that(保持原意)l ___ know that ____ he told me He thinks that he can concentrate on what he likes to do after he ________.registersHe thinks that he can concentrate on what he likes to do after he ________.registers retires resigns reviews Please _________ me by telephone as soon as you get the n 关于星际火狐悠悠球星际火狐的紫色和红色分界处应该是它花纹为标准倾斜着分,我的是横着分的.但是奥迪标志很清晰,并且换了个高精洗过轴与寒冰洗过轴相差无几(寒冰原配高精),比寒冰 星际火狐4悠悠球怎么样