
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 16:57:22
请问以v开头的英文单词加 i 开头的单词在中间 有以v开头的英文字母结束的 句子或成语等.请问以v开头的英文单词加 i 开头的单词在中间 有以v开头的英文字母结束的句子或成语等.不要超过 两个合数的最小公倍数一定比这两个合数的乘积小.急要. 英语翻译Translate the following sentences into Chinese,paying attention to their tense,voice and mood.(1).For example,it would be better to use 2-volt cells in parallel.In this case,each cell would deliver 5-ampere current which could reasonably 3+根号3分之一等于原题是1/(3+√3)+1/(5√3+3√5)+1/(7√5+5√7)...+1/(49√47+47√49) 用 a n y a 这几个字母为单词开头,写一浪漫优美的英文句子~ 英文字母y j b 开头的英文单词 要浪漫点的 根号3-根号2与根号7-根号6的大小关系是根号3-根号2>根号7-根号6,我想要过程方法. 急需一个英语句子由9个单词组成,其中包含所有英文字母(26个,字母可重复) 用英文字母(ABCDEFG……)组成单词(每个字母开头的单词),然后组成句子A boy can do everything for girl.He is just kidding!Love Must Need Our Patience.这句是开头的,接下来的不知道. 一个带分数,它的整数部分是最小的质数,它的分数部分的分子是最小的合数,分母是最大的一位数,这个带分数是(),它的分数单位是(),它包含有()个这样的分数单位 英语:词汇练习,根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子.1.-Is his h_____taking photos or collecting stamps?-Neither.It's watching TV.2.Mike,you've s_____too much time watching TV.You'd better turn it off.3.It is not as difficu 比较数的大小 2分之根号5-1和八分之七 (2)2.5和根号6 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子.1.After I listened to what he said,I r_____that I was very foolish at that time.2.The boy is very h_____because he never tells a lie.3.The girl tried to run away from the bad men,but there was 一.请根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成下列句子.1.His English is not good .I _____(经常)help him with it.2.My japanese is P______,but my chinese is good.3.Mom,my dress is old.I w______ a new one.4—Could you help me find my bi 根据句意或首字母完成英语句子1.They have many k___ of cakes in their supermarket.2.Before you have the medicine,you must read the i___ on the bottle.3.The girl is a g___.She often introduces something to visitors.4.―W 一个带分数的整数部分是最小的质数,分母是最小的合数,分子不是质数也不是合数,带分数是? 一个带分数整数部分是最小的合数,分数部份的分子和分母分别是最小的自然数和最小的质数,这个带分数是它与一又七分之四的和是,差是 英语根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.They are watching a TV _(节目)in the room.2.We_(相信)we can finish the work today.3.He went _(观光)in Hong Kong last summer.4.Her son has a bad cough and it rather (w_) her.5.We hel 1.有三个分数,分子都是1,分母分别是最小的质数,最小的合数、奇数中最小的质数,这三个分数的和是( )2.王大爷有一块8分之7公顷的玉米地,第一天耕了一些,还剩3分之2公顷没有耕完,已经耕 有三个分数,分子都是一,分母分别是最小的质数,最小的合数,奇数中最小的合数,这三个分数的和是多少 在数轴上作出表示-根号2,根号5的点 要图 在数轴上分别画出表示根号10和﹣根号20的点,要图. 在数轴上作出表示根号10和-根号13的点 要图 求7个英语单词构成的句子,要求七个词的首字母分别是T I I L W Y必须有这个人的名字:王玉彬。是挺麻烦的,定重谢 根据句子中的首字母再帮我填1个词~Don't be a d___.You should work more and speak less 联系句意,按首字母提示写词.(英语)1.Water may be thr most serious problen in the world .Is this s___ you 2.The water c____ only from rivers,lakes and underground .And we can not even use all of that ,because iceberg t_____ some of it 一个分数的分子、分母都是一位数,并且她的分母既是奇数又是合数,它的分子既是偶数又是质数,这个分数是 求please 【这里加什么用这个单词cake更换一个字母组一个新词】the umbrella with you.please与the的中间加个什么词,用cake换.和the teacher was angry 【 】peter because he did not do homework.这句话填上合适的单 (cake)Please ()the bag with you 3Q!The same hobby,for with,spend ,form ,go around ,live in,toHow do you ()your summer holidayCan you go and get some vegetable () me-all right.Touch your feet ()your hands please.-OKI like traveling .I'd like to ()the it ( ) (rain) this afternoon ,please take the umbrella with you It's raining,Daisy.Please ______ an umbrella with you.— Thanks.I'll return it to you when I ______ next week.A.take,come B.take,will come C.bring,come D.bring,will come 为什么是come而不是will come .--Would you please help me with the box?--_______.A.Yes,please B.No,please don’t C.With pl.--Would you please help me with the box?--_______.A.Yes,please B.No,please don’t C.With pleasure D.My pleasure D和C有什么区别