
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:55:00
摘抄及点评差不多200~300个字 200字摘抄+点评注意是200字左右 求摘抄200字左右的,一定要带点评的>100字好的加悬赏分 一定一定要带点评一定一定要带点评 请以“日出”为内容,写一个比喻句和拟人句. we have never agreed with you on this question ,__选项A.nor Will we B.nor weWill C.we neither wilD.so Will we I think we have worked out a s_______ for dealing with this situation that we have organized a gathering with our high school classmates for this weekend. 三国演义中一个过五关斩六将、千里走单骑的英雄是谁? 《三国演义》塑造了了一个过五关斩六将,千里走单骑的英雄形象,这个英雄是谁.请用最简洁的语言再写一个有关他故事的名字. 放荡这词是什么意思形容人放荡 是什么意思? 玩世不恭这个词是什么意思? 骚的组词 骚字可组什么词 Please be noted that we have seted up a new office in JS.There's the contact information as below Noted your below with many thanks,I am sorry for so many questions!Is it possible for us to just use your company name on the PO?or do you need us to put Shuang Yin Printing on the PO and you as the agent?It is easier for us to just use your company 到底是be noted as 还是 be noted for以.而闻名例句:the small town is noted_____ its fine buildings ,as a health resortA.for B.as C.with D.about是A 还是B? Below noted and your signed contract well recieved Thank you!如何精确理解这句话?前因是,定单上有点问题.我们想更改一下. 含有反义词的四字词语. 某个体商贩在一次买卖中同时卖出两件上衣,每件都以144元出售,按成本计算,其中一件赢利20%,另一件亏20%商贩的收益为? 某商店在一次买卖中同时卖出两件上衣,售价都是980元若按成本计算,其中一件赢利40%,另一件亏损20%,则在这次买卖中,商店赚了还是亏损了? 底面周长是2826厘米,,求表面积 425.If terms are workable ,we think you will be just the firm we would like to have to represent us.分析下句子,you will be just the firm would like to have to The villagers have already known _ we will do is to rebuild the bridgeThe villagers have already known _ we will do is to rebuild the bridge .怎么判断他是名从?是应为 The villagers主) have already known 谓) 缺少宾语 还是因为 we主 我已经尽力去阻止她了,但似乎迟了.I have____ ____ _____to stop her already but it seems to be late 带有修辞的句子20句各类修辞的句数不定,只要一共20句 20句优美句子,要带有修辞的(简单点) 重谢! 有修辞的段落,短一点一两行就够了 中国有哪些壮丽景物 景观 描写秋天景色的成语山河壮美指的是什么意思 某人骑自行车比步行每小时快8千米,坐汽车比骑自行车每小时快16千米,此入从A地出发,先步行4千米,然后乘坐汽车10千米到达B地.他又骑自行车从B地返回A地,结果往返所用的时间相等,求此日人 反义词组成的四字词语 两对反义词组成的四字词语