
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/30 08:38:36
画一个三角形和一个梯形面积是12平方厘米怎样画 在一个长12厘米,宽8厘米的长方形画一个最大的三角形,这个三角形的面积是多少平方厘米? 已知X^2+X-1=0求X^3+2X^2+2009的值 已知x^2+x-1=0,求x^3-2x+2009如题 X^2+x-1=0,求X^2-2x+2009的值. will you go over your leasons ,Tim?(The teacher asked)改宾语从句 若X^2+x-1=0,求x^3+2x-2009的值 she asked“who is your teacher,Jim?” 怎么变从句?如题 Our teacher asked ... Have you finished your homework 合并成宾语从句 宾语从句:1.Who is your momitor?(The teacher asked)2.When can i see Wei feng(I didn't know)3.Where has put the dictionary?(She didn't remember) 宾语从句:1.Who is your momitor?(The teacher asked) 2.When can i see Wei feng again?3.When can i see Wei feng again?(I didn't know)4.Where has put the dictionary?(She didn't remember) 某宾馆有客房300间,每日房租为100元时,每天都客满,宾馆想提高档次,且提高租金,如果每日房租提高10元客房出租会减少10元,不考虑其他因素,问该宾馆提高到多少元时,每天客房租金总收入会提 公园栽的月季花的棵数是玫瑰花的1.5倍,已知两种花共栽了6000棵,玫瑰花和月季花分别是多少 列方程 解不等式 (1)2/x-1-x≤2 (2)3(x+3)+5>4(2x+7) 已知曲线y=1/3x3+4/3 (1)求曲线在点P(2,4)处的切线方程 (2)求曲线过点P(2,4)的切线方程 (2x-3)(2x+3)-7 the teacher___________________________yesterday afternoon? The teacher _________yesterday afternoon.The teacher _________yesterday afternoon. our teacher asked us to writea two-thousand-word report on the film we saw yesterday.this table is made of glass.there are two pianos and three shelves in the room.these are deer and one of them is a yellow deer,those are horses and one of them is a The teacher spoke ( ) us yesterday aftenoon.A.to B.at C.for D.out 已知椭圆x^2/16+y^2/4=1,过右焦点F且斜率为k的直线与椭圆交于AB两点,若AF=3FB,则k= 已知曲线y=3x2,求在点A(1,3)的切线方程 在曲线y=x3+3x2+6x-10的切线中,求斜率最小的切线方程 求曲线f(x)=(2x3-1)(3x2+x)在点P(2,-3)的切线方程. 已知x+3能整除x^2+kx-18,求k的值rt当多项式x^2+kx-18=0时,求x的值 X的四次方-x的三次方+kx的二次方+x-6能被x-1整除,求k的值 Do you want to try something new?tom's mother asked him 合并为含有宾语从句的复合句 “where do you live ”Tom asks Joa.(合成宾语从句的复合句 将下列句子连成含有宾语从句的复合句 1.Do you know .Does Tom live in this city?Do you将下列句子连成含有宾语从句的复合句1.Do you know .Does Tom live in this city?Do you know( ) Tom ( ) in this city?2.Could you t Tom asked John,"Do you want potato chips?"改为宾语从句Tom asked John ____ he ____ potato chips. "Do you like apples"Tom asks.变为IF引导的宾语从句 近世代数的题,模15的剩余类加群的所有子群是什么?