
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 19:14:34
青藏铁路的英语介绍 You can see ____18-story tall tower standing by ___Yellow River.A a,the B an,the C the ,/ D /,the 用拉萨(Lhasa)造 英语句子 拉萨的英文名为什么是Lhasa而不是Lasa? 天空套合成是不是两件装扮都要对部位的啊?比如两件衣服如果出天空就一定是衣服啊?还是说出来的都是兑换卷可以兑换任何部位?还有好像听说有什么黄金合成器,怎么我在商城找不到啊?还 你在太空中你会飘到什么地方去? what can the best winners get in olynpic events? 多瑙河发源于德国西南部的山地,向东流经7个国家,在什么注入黑海 Who is ___ (thin),Tom or Bill?翻译并语法说明 时间久了感情淡了,怎么办?我们在一起两年了,他有些闷骚,纯属老实类型的.我们的生活如同小夫妻一样波澜不惊,一开始感觉还蛮新鲜的,现在怎么就觉得在一起那么无聊,没意思,他也总说工作 帮我翻译:i feel that who i am today is what i was meant to be ...讲一下其中的语法. Tom is thin,Jim is thinner.Tom is _ _ JiTom is thin,Jim is thinner.Tom is _ _ Jim,Jim is _ _ Tom.合并为一句话 Interest in the special Olympics .填空Interest in the special Olympics has spread across the world and cities___(在争荣誉)to host the event.are competing for the honor,为什么?我怎么感觉 has spread across 和are competing 是两个 有谁告诉我Hang in there~和Keep it up~ 爱情需要什么定义克斤米时年 could/me/the//towel/do/thind/you/pass/you/?排序,并中文. where to find a nice supplier to do business with lingerie ,corest ,babydoll in chinaneed wholesale or producer for long term business All the supplier say their heat pumps are the best,how can I find the truth good supplier? Where can I find the swimwear suppliers ___the way,where can I find her? hang it 要以坚韧不拔的意志努力做一个有用的人,去帮助人们过上更好的生活的理解 为什么我们身处银河系却能在天空中看到银河? 雷锋精神不应该提倡物质奖励 一辩辩词定义 加 3或者说4个论点 当代雷锋精神是否需要物质奖励?我要反方观点, he is currentry working on tv advertisements是什么意思 英语首字母填空题Olympic games are the biggest sports s in the world.Olympic games are the biggest sports s in the world.老师说了不是shows,应该是什么呀 Olympic Games are the biggest sports s_________ in the world? 空里填show还是shows?为什么? 《蓝色的多瑙河》乐曲中“多瑙河”发源于欧洲的哪个国家 曲子蓝色的多瑙河是谁写的?只用说是谁写的就行了 我是安徽考生,理科的,今年二本差11分!想填二本的征集志愿可以不?怎样填?被录取的希望大不大? 求DNF专家解惑:重炮掌控者装备问题本人57级重炮掌控者,平民,求专家给个建议,全身都传什么装备刷图比较给力?