
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 11:19:06
英语翻译谁能告诉我告诉我第一个翻译英语的人到底是怎样知道英文意思的! 如何给外国人发邮件我是第一次写信给她的,我不知道应该怎么样写才好. 四人英语情景对话 关于梦想急! 急需一段四人的英语情景对话!是关于竞争与合作的 求四人英语情景对话关于运动、天气、食物饮料、健康、音乐 都可以内容要尽量多 谁知道宁波哪个书店有卖英语词汇(初中词汇,六级词汇,四级词汇,考研)包括其中的. 产生的污染 用英语怎么说? 31.Would you please ______in your name,address and telephone number?A.A.fill B.B.full C.C.filled D.D.fulled 32.I was angry when I discovered that it was not _____ case and that she’d been telling me lies.A.A.a B.B.an C.C.the D.D./ 33.If you try to 控制污染用英语怎么说 英语小话剧,有中文,幽默有趣,4人,最好都是女生,可以说明道理, 2011年六月的英语六级都有哪些题型? 高手帮忙编写一段英文餐厅点菜的对话要3个人,每个人8句左右,什么句型内容都可以. 帮忙检查这句英语有没有错误这句 In The next level,I want to keep doing what I used do. 帮我检查一下这个英语句子对不对Of all the game I know,perhaps no one deserves my love more than . 帮我检查一下这些英语句子有没有错.Last turning I well be loving you.Last song is our.我英语水平有限.错了的,麻烦帮我改一下. 求一个英语句子检查错误Not until we succeed in letting wildlife live in peace,can we smile in relief. 帮忙检查一下英语句子有无错误1 I have a life which is same everyday.2 There are many books which I must read.3 I don't konw whether I can succeed.4 That the exam is arduous is a fact.5 It is clear that i must try my best to finish it.6 A devote有没有sb be devoted to...这种用法,意思是献身于...还有一个句子请大家也帮着看一下He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals. 这个句子中的's应该是has was is三个中的哪一个 1如果sb devote into devote to devote in 三者的区别 公主日记 英语剧情简介现在急需公主日记的英语介绍啊最好把演员也说一下... 较少的污染用英语怎么说? 更少的污染对地球有好处的用英语怎么说 小飞侠彼得潘 英语怎么说还有 翻译一句 ‘小飞侠彼得潘 我多希望像你一样’ 哥哥、你对我来说真的很重要,翻译成英文怎么说?哥哥,你对我来说真的很重要,翻译成英文.谢谢各位哥哥姐姐啦! 它对我来说很重要 英文怎么说 英语改句 You can go there by bus.you can go there by underground.(合并句子)You can go there ______ by bus ____ by underground. 英语改句 The package tour to Nanjing cost me 1000yuan.(同义句)I ______ 1000 yuan _____ on a package tour to Nanjing.They will travel around the city by sightseeing bus.(by sightseeing bus 提问)_____ ______ _____ they travel around the ci 1.Only are they built by the government peope can have a sense of security.2.Private groups have their own advantages in offering sserices,such as provide high quality of education .3.Also,indulged in computers can make children eat less or even eat 地中海气候和那些南半球的气候怎么区分? 我想快速提高英语水平, put effort into和devote to的区别,还有具体用法,要有例子 如何快速提高自己的英语水平?