
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 11:23:21
I___frustrated when I wasn't sure of the correct answer.a.may be b.used to c.used to be d.use to be we are sure to be used to serve its real purpose. he said that the weather in that country disagreed on him单句改错 只在乎曾经拥有,不在乎天长地久是句废话吗?我认为:只在乎曾经拥有,不在乎天长地久是句废话/发泄的话语!因为我对他的爱不只在乎曾经拥有,还在乎天长地!对他我什么都想要 因为我是真的 2.Excuse me,______?Do you know?----yes.I know______.A.where jack lives;where he livesB.where does jack live;where does he liveC.where jack lives;where does he liveD.where does jack live;where he lives问句的宾语从句语序有问题的是BC,因 口语课show and tell什么呢 do you know?的英文回答到底是yes,i know.还是yes,i do?现在大家回答不一致,但是不知道正规语法,标准回答是什么? 我们外教让我们下堂课show and tell ,大概要说2—3分钟,我该带一些什么东西去外国的小孩一般带什么去,大家能不能举个例子. 英语翻译 下周四口语课show and tell,不知道该讲什么:(有没有人有类似的经历,讲过有意思的话题的?那个外教要求还挺严格的,要有展示的东西,还要有意义的.真是不知道该怎么办才好,大侠们能不能给 英语翻译 1,那位作家习惯于熬夜写作 (be used to) show and tell 讲什么好?可以给一些具体的话题吗,最好是介绍一种东西的话题,不要跟自己的事和自己的东西有关 追随墨索里尼的那个研究中国的学者叫什么?有什么事迹? Do you have any uncles or aunts?如何回答!仅限今天!是说Yes,I do.还是回答Uncles或者Aunts? 墨索里尼是谁? She has worked at school s_______ five years ago. 墨索里尼是怎么死的?二战时候 He_____in the factory since he left school ten years ago.A.worked B.was working C.has worked 贝尼托·墨索里尼是怎么死的? They have shorts______all colors______a very low price.在横线内填入适当的介词. 有How do you think about这种说法?怎么样都觉得怪怪的啊,think about 不是只能与what搭配吗?懂英语的解答下 (What) do you think of the movie?为什么这句子不能用how呢?how翻译过来不对吗? It's important for us_____________in good health. 墨索里尼的下场说明了什么? it's very important for us ____ good tv programs I'd ()(),() my mother is ill ,so I have to look arter her at home. I have (one) uncle and (two) aunts 括号提问请附中文 I have( )uncle and ( ) aunt.A.an,an B.a,a C.a,an D.an,a I have got one aunt and two uncles的问题怎么提? I have aunt and uncle(主语改为He)She is my Uncle Dchao ‘s daughter。She is my Aunt Meiping’s daughter (合为一个句子 《中华民国临时约法》的主要内容是什么什么? 各种桥名称的由来