
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 04:14:52
函数y=x^2-4x+3在区间[0,3]上的最大值为M,最小值为m,则M-m=___ 函数f(x)=-2x2+4x-1,x属于[0,3]的最小值为m,最大值为M,求M-m 函数f(x)=-2x^2+4x-1,x∈[0,3]的最小值为m,最大值为M,求M-m的值. 请问怎么写,要有过程算式 怎么写? 若函数f(x)在在反函数且函数f(x)图象在点(x,f(x))处的切线方程为2x-y+1=0,则反函数的图像在点(f(x),x)在在…存在… 北京的古建筑有哪些 北京拆除的古建筑都有哪些?尽量全些 已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ,x∈R,A>0,ω>0,0 Passport has been received from the consular section,and is currently being processed for deliver我是f1面签的,拿到了小粉条,签证官说要check,但是我是6月10号签的啊,这也太快了吧,不会给我拒签了吧, (Mr.Smith's passport) has been issued括号里面的是什么关系啊?不是主谓,是. (-a+b+c)(a+b+c) 用平方差公式 是at the beginning of 还是at beginning of那"at the start of" or "at start of" 我记得老师好象说有一个无the啊 用the beginning of造句 北京古建筑还有多少了 已知2的x次方等于3 3的x次方等于7 求12的x次方的值 已知圆O1:X`2+Y`2+2X+6Y+9=0和圆O2:X`2+Y`2-6+2Y+1=0,求圆O1和圆O2的公切线方程写下具体过程 Processed passport has been despatched through EMS 06 Aug 2008翻译.. Passport has been handed over on 09 Aug 2011 是不是已经通过了呢? train的drive by歌词中文翻译 人教版113页2题解答 that 在做从句时是不是主语 he prefer music that has great lythat 在做从句时是不是主语he prefer music that has great lyrics to misic is very loudly用that还是which it seemed that everything went wrong this morning.that 引导什么从句? 将一个正方体的一角截去,则其面数为多少?A 增加 B 不变 C 减少 D 以上均有可能 分式z/3x^2Y,y/6xz的最简公分母是分式1/a^2-1,2/a^2-a的最简公分母是______. 翻译:Have you taken the TOEFL? 英语翻译y mom printed out all of the pictures that we took,and she is going to send it to China soon!There are so many of them that it would have taken forever to send to you via e-mail. 请英语达人帮忙翻译 Was it fate to have everything that you abandoned suffer the consequences 已知直角三角形的三边长分别为a、a+b、a+2b,且a>0,b>0,求a/b的值RT 已知a与b互为倒数,a-b的绝对值等于a-b.b的绝对值是6分之13,求a-ab+1除以a+ab-1的值 已知点A(x,1,2)和点B(2,3,4),且AB的绝对值等于2√6,则x的值为 Are you still looking for that place?