
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:50:56
用Disy,Let's,her,call组成陈述句 Let us call he.的同义句是什么 Let us call her 语法错误吗 Just a bite! It's obvious that there's something he wants but never mentions to anyone What is also worth mentioning is that.这句有语法错误吗请问 They had an argument about their benefits.about their benefits是定语 但为什么翻译起来没有...的 is,telephone,number,your,82985197连词组句 词语分类——把不同类型的找出来 金黄 银白 翠绿 瓦蓝 桃红 (思维能力)下列词语中不属于同一类的是哪个词?( ) A、金黄 B、银白 C、翠绿 D、瓦蓝 E、桃红 压铆螺母柱,螺钉标注的长度是指整颗柱/钉的长度吗?如题, 用以下表示色彩的词语写一段连贯的的话.金黄,蔚蓝,翠绿,粉红, She was tired of _____ trips to the grocery,school and office A.continuingB.continuousC.continualD.to continue四个选项的区别是什么 He was very tired that he was still in bed.(哪里错了) 为什么用钢铁比其他的金属多 he is not a policeman 哪块错啦 Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that! 求if i had it my way的中文歌词翻译 is he German?(变为否定句) he is german and he lives in ( )《german》 He was ____ after he heard the ____ news.A.excited;excited B.exciting;exciting C.excited;exciting D.exciting;excited 说明原因喔 我想问1下这个问题你解决了?脚注序号应当要标在哪里?句首还是句尾?句尾的话是标在句号前还是后?谢 He is much more ____a GermanA. like to be B.liking to be C.likely to be D.likely 帮忙解释一下 The police set about arresting the suspect ______ they found enough evidence to prove him guilty.A.immediate B.as long as C.the moment D.as far as希望每项怎么排除的都有明确的解释, i had no evidence to prove my feel The police still hadn’t enough __________ to prove him guilty.approach method conclusion evidence this is _tom's_ bed对划线部分提问 the evidence can prove himto be a guilty man 改复合句 the evidence can prove _ _ _a guilty man 怎样对过去式时间的提问 Tom got up at 5:30 this morring 划线部分为at 5:03 (对划线部分提问)谢谢拉 Grandma often tells (we) stories aveeno这个牌子的中文怎么读 My grandmother often tells me---my grandfather.A.for B.about C.from D.to