
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:13:21
"In my thought" 是“在我看来.”,还是“在我的记忆中...”或者其它. furniture可数吗 when用法 when 用法I was watching (watch) TV when Shenzhou6 was sent up into space.when 引导的时间状语从句,从句是一般过去时,主句是过去进行时.(明白)We heard (hear) him singing in the next room when we passed.Mother told (tell) me no when后的用法比如说当碰到困难时,是表达成when meeting problems还是when meet problems?这里的when 后面应跟名词性词组还是? it's ____ to put on the seat belt each time This hall can ___1000 people .you can ___where you like. A.hold scat B,be seated seated C.seat be seated D.hold seating 关于 seat oneselfthe man sitting in the chair asked me to be seated.要是吧sitting 改为seated 也可以吧 把最后的be seated 改为 seat myself when的用法别解释介词,连词之类的,我分不清.概括一下when前后分别在哪种情况下用什么时态就可以了,别复制!急求!明天要考! seat的用法,还有be seated是什么意思 sit oneself 还是seat oneself 关于when的用法1.When i came in,i ____(call) them up.2.When i came in,i closed the door and _____(call) them up.问问答案,顺便我想知道当when的另一个句子中也是非延续动词时,该用一般过去式还是过去进行式...谢 furniture可数吗?要具体的.不用补充我明白了. 翻译 “People said that after one year,...翻译 “People said that after one year,and i think it's no more true after 35 than it was after one.能具体分析一下句子的结构和用法 when 的用法They were discussing the plan when suddenly the light went out.解释下此举when在这个句子里德词性,是关系副词吗?我对这个不是很懂,也问不清楚. 关于when 的用法有时候when之前的句子跟的是过去式的,后面的句子要和之前的句子时态一致也要用过去式,但是有时候却是要用过去进行式,现在都搞乱了,到底什么时候要时态一致,什么时候要 历史伟人除了朱德还一个也姓朱的叫啥来着名字三个字是毛泽东时代的人物 对划线部分提问:1、They must sweep the floor today 2、he had to take his brother to the doctor‘s1、today划线2、the doctor‘s划线 薛仁贵中薛礼是谁演的 薛仁贵与薛礼薛仁贵是不是唐代?他是否改名薛礼?为何《三国演义》里会出现薛礼一人?《三国演义》述说的朝代是否唐朝之前? 薛礼,薛仁贵的父亲叫什么名字? Is this museum ____ you visited the other day?填空!注意,是Is this museum ________you visited the other day?而不是Is this THE museum _______you visited the other day? 结构“have +名词或代词 +动词的过去分词”的否定式是什么? have a look后可直接跟名词或代词吗? shows how much I have been working lately什么 意思托福里有一道题W:We had a delicious Sunday brunch at that new hotel downtown.You should try it sometime.M:I didn’t even know the building was finished.Shows how much I’ve been working la You haven't had much luck lately,have you haven't had 是短语么 I haven't seen much of you lately这句话变成这样可以吗I haven't seen you much lately 忧国恤民是什么意思 请问"民言不足恤"是什么意思?这是温总理的"祖宗不足法,民言不足恤"中的一句话. year after another是什么意思 如果自己想出国玩,英语水平达到什么程度想自己一个人玩,懂英语比较好交流,本人大学过了四级,现在想再多看点英语方面的书,提高水平,请问需要看什么样的书啊,大概需要到什么程度才可以 One after another(中文意思)