
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 12:40:53
Do you have anything more to be typed和What do you want to buySecretary(to boss):Do you have anything more to be typed?用被动式,为什么I'm going to the supermarket.What do you want to buy?用主动式?它们都是让别人做啊 What you lost is more than what you 如题 当表格中需要填写“nationality”时,填的是什么?是China,还是Chinese? 形容古代女子舞跳的漂亮的句子,最好有一段话 nationality怎么填 原始怎么形容 跪求形容古典美女跳舞以及弹奏乐器的形容句子或段落! nationality 是填Chinese吗? 英语翻译按读音来翻译,有没有规定必须用某个汉字来代替? 英语人名地名用不用背啊? 最好留下句子解释When you want your parents to let you do something,you will have better success ------- you ask before you really start doing it.A)sinceB)ifC)beacuseD)though 除了你的脚印,什么都别留下;除了你的记忆,什么都别带走.这句的意思是什么, 火车上留下的一吻中心句是什么 英语翻译多少个女生会打乒乓球? What will you do if you have a cold?翻译成中文`谢谢` 英语翻译高分求高手帮忙将下面的地址翻译成外国人和中国邮递员都能看懂的英文地址:山西省太原市尖草坪区中北大学1172信箱SHAANXISHENG和SHANXISHENG是不是第一个是陕西第二个是山西? 英语达到能和外国人自由对话的水平,能看懂英文电影吗? “听到这个消息”用英语怎么讲? 求“字幕组”的英文(必须是外国人能看懂的)RT look up;make up;stay up;mix 用法是什么啊 英语翻译固本乡位于贵州省锦屏县西南部,是黎平,锦屏,剑河三县的交界处,大约有13000人左右,主要以苗族,侗族,汉族为主.全乡面积67平方公里,固本乡以高山为主,属于中亚热带气候类型,那里风 案例分析--毛主席像将永远保留下去 问:如何正确评价毛泽东的晚年的错误和历史功绩及历史地位? 英语翻译After Dolly(多利羊)was born,cloning could no longer be dismissed as science fiction.The ability to create an identical twin of a lamb is but one step short of cloning humans,which many find terrifying and offensive.However the technolo 英语翻译“研究《传奇故事》探寻其成功的道路会对当今纷繁的故事类电视节目以很大启示,从而有利于故事类电视节目的发展”这句话 Thousands of state workers have protests in Ohio as well ,and the demonstrations are drawing national attantion from union activists and members who fear victories by Republican govenors the state level would deal a severe setback to the power and in U.S.Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the goal is to establish the foundation for defense relations beyond the 2012 raget date for completing the transition to full Afghan government responsibility for security in the country.1.这句话怎么解 "Leadership today in America has to be about doing the big things and being courageous,"Christie said."Our country and our states are weighed down an albatross of irresponsibility that we have foisted upon ourselves as leaders,and that you as citizen The American and Afghan defense chiefs said they are working to develop a bilateral relationship that will exend beyond the hoped-for end of NATO's cambat role in Afghanistan four years from now.希望有句子解释和句子结构分析+beyond 如 把下面的词组或句子翻译成英语(很急)1、用英语2、电话号码3、打扰了4、一块橡皮5、12岁6、高中7、在同一班8、他的英文名字9、好朋友10、他在哪个班? Some students have learned enough English to ()a conversation with a native speakerA hold on ,B keep on,C go on,D carry on选择哪一个 为什么? Some ——the children do not have enough money to go to school.“——”填介词 I want some students for the school concert.