
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 13:33:30
星星的寿命有多长 what a funny time to eat breakfast! 读小语种比如西班牙语是否需要基础 甜蜜 繁体字是什么 成年人零基础学英语怎么开始,只有小学时候学过英语,之后一直是学小语种.成年人零基础学英语怎么开始,只有小学时候学过一点点英语,之后一直是学小语种.英语基本都忘光了,现在感觉英语 He likes basketball,football and some____ sports.A.the other B.others C.other D.another如题 项改个英文名,最好3个字母的,然后和yao音近点的,谢谢呀 谁能帮我起个发音有yao或yun的女生英文名字我的中文名字有云字和瑶字,我想请懂的朋友帮我起个有类似发音的英文名字, Please don’t leave me here alone.请问这是什么意思我自己的翻译是 求你别扔下我一个人在这里如果正确,请问这里面包含哪些语法知识?还有能不能这么说:Please don't leave me along here Please don't leave me alone.I'm afraid~ 3.to the Chinese Culture Club.You can learn Beijing Opera here3.() to the Chinese Culture Club.You can learn Beijing Opera hereA.ComingB.WelcomeC.Well comeD.Will come () to the Chinese Culture Club.You can learn Beijing Opera hereA.ComingB.WelcomeC.Well comeD.Will come It's hard for us to live in a ( ) country Beijing Opera is a symbol of Chinese( ) The Beijing Opera is a kand of chinese culture哪里出错了? 改英语句子How many keyes do you have还有这些哦:Let is to draw some pictures with markers 七年级下册介绍自己英语作文 中文:我叫***,我今年12岁了,我家有4口人,有爸爸妈妈弟弟和我,我最喜欢的动物是海豚,因为他很可爱,我喜欢听音乐,玩电脑游戏和看书,我最喜欢的课 Music isn't Sally's main interest,____ she wants to see some Beijing Opera today.A.but B.so C.orD.and Music isn't Sally's main interest,_she wants to see some Beijing Opera today.A.but B.so C.and Would you please give me some advice on learning English? 这里的learn为什么加ing 还有帮忙说下ing用法 求They were tired last weekend.的对划线部分提问(划线部分:they) 谁知到Secret garden的雨夜清风的英文名 ben's parents ————(提供)to take them to see some beijing opera. opera可以加s吗?I want to see some____.这里的答案是opera.有没有错误? Ben has asked some friends to his home.And now he is busy___some food for them.A.to cookB.for cookingC.cookedD.cooking为什么选D I need some interesting topics for my presentation. plz give me some advice. Thx.My email address ellen_901115@hotmail.com give some advice和gave me some advice我的单词书上写了gave some advice,这里为什么要用gave,用give可以吗.是出现在单词搭配中的,与时态无关.又或者书上写错了? 急求新概念英语1(亚历山大)MP3版 最好是英音版的 买那本 亚历山大 新概念英语 可以无师在家自学吗 谁有新概念英语(朗文外社,亚历山大的那个)3、4的MP3可以发一下吗? English , how , do , a , lessons , have , week , many , you , in 唐骏所说的背新概念英语是哪个版本的呀?就是亚历山大的《新概念英语》吗? how many english lessons do we have a week?--------six.横线上填什么,只有一条横线,不能填两个单词