
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:40:02
根据句意及汉语提示填写单词 根据汉语注释和句意填写所缺单词的正确形式The rain has stopped ( )(完全的)说下理由吧... 根据句意及汉语填写正确的单词Students in my class like the open air _________(活动) 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,填写单词.1.--What's he doing?--He's _____(做)cakes.2.How many _____(小刀)are there in the box?3.The girl _____(穿着)a red sweater is my sister.4.Meimei's _____(衬衫)is white,but Kate's is red 看什么节目可以提高英语,提高英语语感……听英语歌有用吗?现在我听歌词基本上一句也听不清 when you are Gone这首歌的题目的语法是什么啊,不懂,被动、过去?不懂哎, 求音乐:when you are gone when you are gone.英语you are gone按语法将不是说你被走了吗? 关于《When you are gone》歌词When you're gone the face I came to know is missing too其中the face Icame to know是我知道的脸的意思? Lanvin for H&M 是什么牌? 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词,使句子完整,通顺.Tom and John ofen s_____ an hour swimming after school.My sister is a doctor.She is always b_____ with her work in the hospitalOur school has a l_____ .The students often borrow books 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整,通顺.She keeps a d_____ in english every day.Kate is no longer a child.Do not w____ adout her.Radio Beijing s____ the news all over the world.They are b___ a new house for the old man.They 根据首字母完成单词,使句意完整通顺Elephants are the biggest animals on l________People went to see the animals d________ the dayMany animals in the zoo like to s_______ at nightThe old man walked along the street s_________ 根据句意及首字母提示写单词,使句子完整通顺.1.The clever boy can teach h______ to make a small house.2.Many people in China e_____ Andy Lau's songs. to和towards用法上有什么不同? 有attitude towards doing 吗 what is your attitude to/towards the question?该用to还是towards?区别是什么呢? attitude .- 根据句意及汉语提示写单词Can I _____(放)my shoes under the bed. 舞动的青春、激昂的赛场!这句话用英语怎么说! 连词yet前面加and/but是否多余?特别是在英式的正式书面语中 yet but都有但是的意思 他们在用法上有什么区别吗? 用and,so,yet,nor,or,but,for七个连词写一篇小短文!不能用neither.nor..啊·· yet ,but 的区别具体点 These are our books改成单数 These are our books.(改成单数) These are our new books.变成一般疑问句 1.are these books ours?用our改写 2.those are their footballs.用theirs改写3my shirt is new .用mine改写 4.your balloon is red.用yours改写 5.what time do your homework?用mary改写 6.there are some butterflies on the flower.改为单数句 异想天开:逝去:名不虚传:浑然一体:脖颈:阅读题雄关赋现在,我终于亲眼看到这思慕己久的雄关了.好一座威武的雄关!果然是名不虚传:那气势的雄伟,那地形的险要,在我所看到的重关要 收集像 however,for example这类的连词关于写作文的 advantages and disadvantages请各位告诉多一点的 连词像 however,therefore,for examile,on the other hand...这类型的 求甩词歌歌词 甩词歌的曲叫什么名字 歌词