
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 10:57:53
请问谁知道这几个字的凡体字怎样打?雷神帝释天 七十四师 无条件爱你 照句子写,如 急得团团转 哭得( ) 笑得( )干得( )说得( ) it's easy for us to stay healthy同义句 来字有凡体字吗! stay healthy还是stay health如题,是哪个?为什么呢?是动词搭配的原因还是什么呢?楼下的,health应该是名词吧 心只有你这4个字的凡体字帮我打出来 The l__ girl is from canada补充完整 it's easy for us stay还是什么 healthy ________ you look at the painting,________ you’ll like it.A.The long;the much B.The longer;the more C.Longer;more D.Long;much 怎样学文言文麻烦告诉我 岁老体字怎么打 谁能告诉我以下的古诗?1.登鹳雀楼2.山行3.游子吟4.敕勒歌5.元日6.小儿垂钓7.惠崇春江晚景8.墨梅9.别董大10.江雪11.浪淘沙12.早发白帝城13.示儿14.江南春15.游园不值16.所见17.出塞18.鹿柴19.悯农( 旧体字怎么打? 将文言文版西游记里的所有回合的主要内容告诉我,谢谢大家.要正确的. 咸鱼翻身的 老体字怎么打? To be health还是to be healthy “龙”字怎么打成老体字啊`? Katrina wants to keep () ,but she is always in bed()A.health,healthy.B.healthy,health.C.health,health.D.healthy,healthy. ( )I like English,but I like Chinese ______.横线里填better还是more( )I like English,but I like Chinese ______.A.more B.better C.best American family with two parents and two children is called what? Mr.Black lives in the south of America.He has two children:one is a son整篇短文 Lingda plays ping-pong every gay 改为一般疑问句 怎么改 猪口蹄疫O型基因工程疫苗 哪里有卖的牛得了口蹄疫 饲养场有鸭720只,比鸡少5/13,鸡有多少只? 鸡+猴=15千克,鸭+猴=18千克,鸡+鸭=13千克,问鸡鸭猴各重多少克? I like tea and she likes it ____.A.neitherB.eitherC.as wellD.also i like mondys she he it likes P.E grapes tofu选择单词组成句话很急谁帮忙解答下 1.有百分之96的学生订阅了《时代学习报》表示【 】占【 】的百分之96 2.2.甲数是乙数的百分之60,丙数是乙数的百分之115.【1】甲数乙数的比是【 】:【 】【2】丙数与乙数的比是【 】:【 subject的复数形式 subject什么时候用单数,什么时候用复数?I do not like any subject.Nick does not like subjects.为什么第一句的subject没有加s,而第二句加了s?在什么情况下加,什么情况下不加呢? 是what is your favorite subject?还是which is your favorite subject? so she did,so did 英语