
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:51:24
i nee you when,i miss you when,i want you when 这几句歌词出自哪首歌? Miss You When I'M Dreaming 歌词 i miss you when i miss you what a nuts you are! clean the blackboard 我想做一个简易的风力发电机模型,越详细越好,例如:需要什么材料,步骤等等.总之说得越明白越好,最好附图. need和must的用法 need的用法初中学的要初中学的,thanks 关于need用法的一个初中小问题He _______ do it right now.( ) A.needs not B.need not c.don't need D.doesn't need= = 求用法? 跻身发达国家行列 英语怎么说 速度哦!“我国是个发展中国家”的英语怎么说谢谢啦`~ it is the first tome to come here. I’m the first to come here()?变反意疑问句 I am the first to come here ___ ___.(补全反意疑问句) 悲欢离合造句 用笑口常开造句想了解一些知识 用悲欢离合、牵肠挂肚、浮想联翩造句,急 “悲欢离合”中每个字都表示了一种情形,请再写出相同类型的词语,并选一个造句._______ ________ ________ ___________________________________________________________ what is her name?Her name is amy.以上两句中,第二句her为什么能作主语,her不是宾格吗?第一句为什么用her?而不是she? 哪位朋友有《老友记》中英文字幕的全部视频,学英语用,有的话留言我给邮箱, 1.Everyone has fun at the party.(改为同义句) Everyone ______ _____ _____ _____at the party Everyone has fun at his party.(改为同义句)Everyone ()()()()at his party. Everyone hsa fun at the party for halloween该为同义句Finally,she worked out this Maths problem同义句 烈日炎炎造句 ( )famil nema is Green;() first name is Tony.括号里填什么括号里填 you 还是 your my first name is green.改为一般疑问句,做肯定否定回答 1.what's Roy Green is first name? 2.how old is Roy? 3.Who is Roy is good friend?4.what's Alan's family name? 5.What's Alan 's telephone number?翻译一下,谢谢 you and me?you and 经常要做语法题的,总遇到这个问题.到底是YOU AND ME 还是YOU AND "AND"后面是不是不可以加主格的?还是要分情况讨论?请指教~ 用两年半的时间学英文可以达到雅思6.其实我现在的英文不太好.懂得也不多.就百几个单词而已.语法音标全部不会..我已经17岁了.我想在19岁20岁之前去加拿大读书.我想问现在学还来得及吗?广 请问要考雅思,但我基础不很好,学英语基础要多长时间? 用熙熙攘攘、川流不息、摩肩接踵、琳琅满目、五颜六色、和蔼、微笑、挤进写一段话要在200字以内 请用“微笑,和蔼,挤进,熙熙攘攘,琳琅满目,川流不息,摩肩接踵,五颜六色,阳光明媚”写一段话.