
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:58:01
假如你的生命只剩下最后一年,你打算做什么事情? 如果你的生命还剩最后一个小时,你最想做什么? 这句语法哪里错误?To start with,it's of benefit to find your disadvantages,however,it is that your laziness,selfishness and arrogant are never easy to be realized,not to mention to getting rid of them by yourself,and managing to drop them. 要正确答案和讲解,.1.This is the house____my parents used to live.A.which B.that C.where D.who D肯定不对,哪ABC哪个是对的?为什么?2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D ---How ofen do you go to see a film?---_____,Monday,Wednesday and Friday.A.Every day B.Every three days C.Every few days D.Every other day最好有为什么,或者有什么知识点也麻烦教一下 这几句语法有错误么?i still remember the bedtime stories that mum told me.i still remember those old songs which my grandparents liked.but everything i have has changed. 义和团运动实质有没有发生变化 能介绍一下杜甫的生平吗,最好结合诗句1 1、Tom hurt himself so ( )that we took him to hospital.A hard B badlyC bad D hardly2\When SARS passes,we should think( ) A what lesson we will have learnedB what we will have learned3\He was on his last legs.on his last legs means( )A worried B worn 说说义和团运动发生的原因,你如何评价义和团运动?历史题~~急~~ 这句语法有错误么Not only the typical expression it has but also the fashion trend it brought contributed to its popularity and attracts nine out of ten of student American dramas pursuers. 已知函数f(x)= ax³+cx+5满足f﹙﹣3﹚=﹣3,求f﹙3﹚的值. 这句有语法什么的错误吗?"每一刻都要做自己"翻译成Every moment to do yourself对吗?和翻译成Every moment to do their own意思有什么略微不同? x^2-9a^2+12a-4因式分解 (1)a^3-9a (2)x^2(a-b)+(b-a) (3)(x-3)^2-4 因式分解,求大大们帮助, 因式分解 9a^2 x-b^2 x-9a^2+b^22.4x^3+4x^2y-9xy^2-9y^23.3m-3y-ma+ay 故天将降大任于斯人也,必先若其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益 关于杜甫的生平事迹故事 函数y=lg(3-4x+x^2)的定义域为M,x∈M时,求f(x)=2^x+2-3·4^x的最大值 若使函数y=lg(3-x)的定义域为M,当x∈M时,求f(x)=2的(x+2)次 -3×4的x次的最大值及相应的x 的值 设长方形的面积S,相邻两边长分别为a,b,已知S=4又根号3,a=根号15.求b a+b的平方—12(a+b)+36 分解因式要完整的 设长方形的面积是S,相邻两边分别是a,b,如果S=16cm,b=根号下6CM,求a 设长方形的面积为S,相邻两边长为a、b己知S=16b=根号10求a 杜甫的生平事迹 :4(a+b)的平方+12a+12b+9分解因式 设长方形的面积是S,相邻两边长分别a,b(1)若a=根号15,b=根号6,求S(2)若S=根72,b=根号50,求a 设长方形的面积s相邻两边分别是a,b,如果S=根号96cm^2,b=根号45cm,那么a=( )cm,周长=( )cm?为什么 俩个小计算, 建立lingo模型时遇到的问题i=1,2,...,10 j=1,2,...,102目标函数:max∑Xij ·Vij+ ∑ (∑Pn)n=1约束条件:当Xi1=Xi2=1时P1=3,否则P1=0,当Xi3=Xi4=Xi5=Xi6=1时P2=4 ,否则P2=05 10∑ X2j=0,∑ X3j=0j=3 j=7这个数学模型怎么 汉译英:天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能 (天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行弗乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能.)意思是什么?