
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:15:52
单单个 Miss 单词有没有“想念”的意思? miss``有2种意思,一个是想念 ,那另一个呢? past perfect vs.simple past.Choose the correct verb form.Sam ___________yesterday.a.left b.has left c.had left d.leavingSam____________when you__________.a.had already left,called b.left already,called c.has left,call d.leaving,calling. 求大神把我P得更加霸气,最好侧漏! Baby,you must be very very happy.I am willing with mine all,to trade you to be happy! 英语翻译 神武的人气萌宠是什么?以下宠物是《神武》的人气萌宠呢?小葫芦 小肥羊 小鸡吉祥 大耳兔 、《神武》有十二个门派,以下哪一门派不属于仙族门派?天宫 普陀山 龙宫 方寸山 、《神武》有很 Good Luck With You!MUM,I Love You! () () is Tree Planting Day. 用“很想念翩翩”并注明意思,用“很想念翩翩”或“翩翩很想念”并注明意思, 谁知道萌是什么意思啊谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 Mun and Dad I love you! “萌”是什么意思啊?求大神帮助 -Dad,why do you always lie to mum that you love her cooking?---Dad,why do you always lie to mum thatyou love her cooking?---It’sonly a white lie,so pleasure B.don’t mention it C.don’t bother it is no big dea Oh,it's you.I didn't see you.You surprise me.其中的surprise应该用一般过去式还是一般现在时?求回答 we asked Philip to come with us ,he ( )know the road.A.before B.while D.unless Oh,this is really a big shop.Do you know when it ___?选项was built&has been built.为什么用过去式详细解释两个选项有什么区别 CN.COM中的点英语怎么读 CN.COM中的点英语怎么读 SMART ENGLISH怎么样 I'd love you There [ ] a pair of shoes Ais Bare 说明你选的答案的理由如果在这句后加Can you see [ ] Ait Bthem那么选哪个 英语翻译英语翻译词组 正确的信息( )单词拼写 You must be(.)(有礼貌的)同义句 He is in the Football Club.He is.the Football Club.Li Guanghua is good at playing football.Li Guanghua is.very.. What facilities do you thank are a must that a university should offer in the future?用英语怎么翻译 英语翻译 smart这个单词是什么意思? The food______(smell)delicious The food -------- delicious怎么填 The food on the plate can't eat it.A.delicious B.badly C.well D.bad (看问题补充)bad有副词形式吗?上面的选项哪个是对的?并翻译一下句子. 求助4个非金属性氯强于硫的依据 狮子英文怎么写? 高一化学问题,关于元素的非金属性砹和碘的非金属性谁强谁弱?因为At是放射性元素所以感觉没把握啊. When ____ this kind of computer ____ Last year.A.did;use B.was;used;used D.are;used