
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 15:40:15
为什么是红花配绿叶? 红花配绿叶 绿叶配红花,下一句有没有赞扬绿叶的 已知函数f(x)=log1/2 x,给出下列4个命题:1.函数f(|x|)是偶函数2.若|f(m)|=|f(n)|,其中m>0,n>0,m≠n,则mn=13.函数f(x²+2x)在区间(负无穷,-1)上为单调增函数4.若a>1,则|f(a+1)|<|f(a-1)|是真命题的-------- 三图一书指的是什么 高一生物必修1第3章第46页的动物细胞模型图(要求是课本上的图) 用现代汉语写出下面句子的意思1):向所以退,畏其愧耻,今启其名,愿不泄也.译:2):自是盗者大惭,一乡无复草窃.译: 请将该诗句翻译成现代汉语的意思诗句为:千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风 已知1/3≤a≤1,求函数y=ax^-2x+1在区间[1,3]上的最大值M和最小值N当对称轴是2的时候,是不是最小值是1/a,最大值,带3,或者带1进去都可以. 煤矿图纸上kp是什么意思 我在煤矿井下图纸上看见的,KP=1469,谁知道, 煤矿井下五图是指? 煤矿三图一表是什么? 用现代汉语写出下列句子的意思督邮,官衙也,置立以来,便在此地,岂可徙之益吾私宅!有一老父衣粗衣,冠白冠,后来吊. 用现代汉语写出下列句子的意思 初一世说新语两则 用现代汉语写出下列句子的意思:好博览而不守章句. 用现代汉语写出句子的意思俄而雪骤,公欣然曰:“白雪纷纷何所似”的意思未若柳絮因风起.意思日中不至,则是无信;对子骂父,则是无礼.意思请从(世说新语)中找出古今异义字并写出其古 英语翻译翻译一下这句话2,what do you think is the most important to the friendship?why?3,mum is (preparing) the dinner(换一个同义词,和括号里意思一样的) Write true sentences.Start each sentence with “I'd”.Example:What would you do if you have to give a apeech?I'd read it aloud ten times.1.What would you do if you found twenty dollars in the street?2.What would you do if you were too tired to do be similar to与 be similar with哪个是对的啊? be similar with和be similar to的区别 已知函数fx=log1+根号2(x+根号x平方+1)求fx的定义域1求fx的定义域2判断fx的奇偶性,并证明3指出fx的单调性,若fx-2a=0在(1,2根号2)上有解,求a取值 90.4除以2.7的余数是().A.0 B.13 C.1.3 D.0.13 Complete each sentence with one of the following expressions.during so far in ago up to now until1 I've enjoyed the film----------2,He studied ------------- midnight.3,------------,they've cut down a lot of trees in this area.But now they've started Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following questions {4 points for each1.What does taster celebrate ?2.What does the british parliamene consist of 为什么卫星环绕地球的轨道可以是椭圆,也可以是正圆 Underline all the superlatives in the passage.Then write sentences using at least four of them最后在造几个句子 英语八年级下册17页3b新目标的是造句不是作文 问题是Write four sentences using one of the woreds from接上 activity 1b in each sentence.1b的单词是 football cimpare complain pushy pressure organized freedom 用什么公式和方法,急求大神 有大神可以用矩阵的方法来回答这道题的第二小题吗? 地球公转轨道是椭圆理论由谁最早提出 There is a mistake in each sentence.Please underline the misrake and write the correct word 什么意 英语翻译1 One day,a small opening appeared on a cocoon; a man sat and watched for the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.2 Then,it seems to stop making any progress.It appeared as if it had gott