
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/02 12:20:46
请问我国有关尼龙材料相关的国家标准有没有?标准号是多少? Write a note to a foreign friend asking him/her to go to a movie/exhibition/ Write a note to a foreign friend asking him/her to go to a movie/exhibition/book fair/flower show.写一段短文,英语的 尼龙材料有什么国标吗,针对棒材的 你好谁有PA66增强阻燃尼龙的物理性能参数,要国标的.PA66执行哪种国家标准,具体国家标准号是多少 Write a note()your friend 变色马克杯原理是什么 请问括号中的部分做句子的什么成分?You have to do the best 【what God gave you】 .好像省略了介词什么的, Don't look at things from a single point of view.怎么译? Do not look at things from asingle point of view 照例子,用拟人手法改写句子例:太阳出了一半.那里出现了太阳的红红的半个小脑瓜.1.小鸟在鸣叫.2.树变绿了.3.冬天到了. 第五句是运用拟人的手法改写句子 用拟人的手法改写句子:1.小鸟在鸣叫.2.树变绿了.3.冬天到了. 和葡萄紫类似的词语急用. 像葡萄紫一样的前面是水果后面是颜色的词语再出5个 7题what else do you need for your trip?7题 what else do you need for your trip? ? else. I've packed everything What do you need for your picnic?(回答怎么写?) 根据实际情况回答问题:1.What do you need for your picnic?2.Do you need any bells on Christma Day?可以的话请翻译一下 Where is your friend——(come)from? your,from,friend,where,is(?)写句子⊙﹏⊙ 我想问道英语题.let's meet in front of the cinema at six fifty.I think it's on at seven.以下有一个判断题:They are meeting before 7 P.M.(是对是错?答案上是对,可是短文中是6;50之前见面,这个句子说7点之前见面, Where is your friend come from?Japan这句话哪里错了? friend Where from is your怎么组句 In the classroom,English teacher is( ) students.A.in the front of B.in front of选A还是选B呢?为什么? 什么是马克杯? 带有紫字,表示颜色的词有什么 必须有六个 Can I help you,Andy ?Yes I need your help,Mrs Li.I don't know( ).A.to do what nextB.what to do nextC.how to do next D.to do how next 如何看待语言符号的任意性 Can I help you,Andy?Yes.I need your help,Mrs Li.don't know( )A.to do what next B.what todo next C.how to do next D.to do how next 语言符号的强制性 I don't need your help,because I can do it _____A alone B my own 应当如何理解语言符号的任意性——论语言符号是任意性和理据性的统一