
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:01:19
主板的三相位供电和五相位供电的区别 在振动中,为什么要用相位来表示振动物体的运动状态 that it has became a well-know city in China and even in the world.中文翻译 Liu xiang’s name is known all over the world ( ) in China.Aor B.as well as C.as well D.butLiu xiang’s name is known all over the world ( ) in China.Aor B.as well as C.as well D.but What has cities but no house,roads but no cars,river but no water英文翻译 英语作文 暑假已经结束了,你在暑假期间做了什么呢?英语作文暑假已经结束了,你在暑假期间做了什么呢?请以My summer holidays 为题写一篇短文,60词左右.提示:1.你做什么?2.为什么这样做?3.结果 求一部中央六台播过的动画片,里面主角是个老头,有个大葫芦,爱喝酒,挺有教育意义的漫画,有点像菜根谭里面有个故事,貌似有智子疑邻,认为邻居家小孩偷了他的斧子,还有一个是有人给老爷 有关暑假的英语作文 竹文化在我国被赋予哪些特殊的含义? “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”的中文意思是什么? 二氧化锰与亚硫酸钠反应的现象和方程式 二氧化锰与硫酸铁反应方程式 英语翻译这是我提问时外国人回答的,我说怎样改英文名,其中一个回答说You just pick one u like.you can call ur self.john 我是这样翻译的,你可以选一个你喜欢的,你可以称自己为约翰.但有些人把Call翻 陈伟的英文名男人名字哦! Brian这个英文名有什么意思? 我的名字粤语发音为chan yu ching,我想取个和发音差不多的英文名,像陈美诗叫macy chan 佘诗曼叫Charmaine不好意思..是英文名...英文名...还有就是..最好有一定的含义. brian做英文名怎么样?这个名字用的人多吗,还有代表的意义是什么?我姓汪,汪这个字的英文拼法有几种? "DO you know--- the cake is?" A:how much B:hownany C:whose D:what K-O Na-O Ca-O Mg-O Fe-O Ti-O Sc-O REE-O的键能是多少? si 45% fe 17.3% k 16.9% al 9% ti 6.46% ca 2.5% 这样的土样有开发的价值吗? 根据粤语发音把中文名字翻译成英文名字 就像“奕迅”翻译成“Eason”那样 我的名字是蔡慈莹 It is a c___ game.computer对不对? 燃气热水器电磁阀启动线圈那和保持线圈怎么区分 he suggested____a double railway tunnel.1 to build 2 build 3 building 4 that building选择哪一个,及分别说出每个为什么对与错 I suggest that the buildings ____(build) at once. among the lucky,you are the chosen one 校长说that a new teaching-building is going to be built next year __can hold another 1200 studentsA.when B.what C.which D.where 解释下选什么 1.call mei at 6856034 Is this your watch?这两句改为同义句2.this is a pencil 对这句话“apencil”提问 There's as much competition among the cities to host the gamed as _________medals.A.to win B.winning C.win D.won说明原因 石材上的硅酸盐垢要怎么清除(喷泉里的) Chinese customs and culture are different from_________(Europe) Thailand is a beautiful Asian country.Thai customs are different from Chinese customs.意思?