
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 23:26:49
"为了方便起见"英文翻译六个词 英文翻译以下词语地理、秘密、一月、二月、六月、九月、十月、雨滴、大学、、章鱼、恐龙、羊毛 英语翻译1 海伦在家吗?2你认识这些人吗?do you __ __ __?3今天早上他完成了报告 He __ __ __ this morning?4现在我来自我介绍一下 Now i will __ __5你建议我做什么? 英语翻译1.这部电影下周上映.the movie will ___ ____ next week.2.得到一辆新自行车他感到很高兴.he feels happy ____ ____ _a new bike.3.他在一个寒冷的冬夜离开了家.he left his home ___ ___ cold night in winter. 英语翻译The odds are not great but you could put 100 pounds on Chelsea to win and make an easy 26 pounds from your bet.这句话中,是投注100英镑赌切尔西会赢,还是投注100英镑来赢(得赌注)呢(后者是为自己赢得赌 英汉互译 , 根据汉语完成句子,每空一词英汉互译.1.醒来2.一遍又一遍根据汉语完成句子,每空一词.1.她在3岁的时候就会画画.She _____ _____ _____ draw at the age of three.2.制造出这样一个机器人要花许 英语翻译他的诗作发表后,因为行尾不押韵而大获其名.Once published,his work became famous ___ ___ ___ of rhyme at the end of each line.非同寻常的是,我用英语唱我钟爱的歌曲时,感觉会更特别.___ ___ ___ ___,my fe 选词填空,在写句子.创造 发明 成就 发现 这些都是很平常的事情.善于“打破沙锅问到底”的人,却从中有所( ),有所( ),有所( ),有所( ). 读了上面的句子,从所填的 英语句子选词填空am,are,is,do,did,does,can1.I——a student.She——a student,too.2.——you go to school yesterday?3.My father and mother——35 years old.4.——she like flowers?5.——you swim?Yes,we can6.What time——you go to scho 两个英语句子选词填空1.This boy is____ clever but _____lazy.(rather,quite)2.I like Tom and Mary.They are _____nice people.(such,so)请说明答案和理由,谢谢! 特别是第一个 英语翻译 英语翻译 填空刘德华将在这部电影中扮演角色Liu dehua will _____ _____ _____ _____ in the film. 英语翻译我们也有色拉,也有橘汁和苏打We【 1.】have salad 【2.】 【 3.】 【4.】 orange juice and soda.让我们列一份菜单吧Let,s【 5.】【 6.】 【 7.】 英语翻译A good breakfast is important.We can easiy understand why.We have not eaten anything for about t_____ hours by brtakfast time.Our bodies need food for m_____ activities One good breakfast should be rice or b______ an egg ,milk and fruit.O 英语翻译What's this in the picture?a it cacao is bean .Cacao or cocoa trees grow in hot ,rainy places,such as Africa ,Asia and Central and South America.Their beans are used to make cocoa powder ,cocoa butter and of course chocolate.There are fiv 英语翻译她最近三个月都在忙着教育孩子们弹钢琴she _ _ _ the cheildren to pay the piano _ _ _three monthes_ 代表一个空she后面是四个空的。 英语阅读短文,选词填空!photograph,and,write,difference,relax,get,prefer,garden,both,but,bored,interest Jodie and Tommy both love to travel.Jodie is a 36 and Tommy is a photographer.But they like to travel to 37 kinds of places.Jodie likes to 英语阅读,选词填空together ; with ; on ; in ; falls ; chatting ; comes ; clean ; coming ; celebrate The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together,just like Christmas in th 英语阅读选词填空Allthough international travel is usually an exciting and pleasant experience,travellers should take steps to ensure that their ______does not suffer either from their time in the air or from their time abroad.before you go,ch 如何提高英语阅读和选词填空要求回答不要复制,且谈谈自己的经历与想法.100分不够还可以多.我的英语阅读很慢,且正确率不高.我是一直重复看句子才能翻译在心理,有人说这样不行.可有什么 英语选词填空A.grass B.nothing C.how D.hope E.so F.end G.real H.waste I.hard J.straight K.trip L.smile One day,a teacher and a student were lying under a tree near a grass area.The student asked the teacher,“Could you please tell me61____to 英语选词填空, 英语选词填空,Making a decision ______ that there are a _____ of choices to be considered,and in such a _______ we want not only to identify as many of these alternatives as possible but to choose the one that has the highest ______ of success o 完成对话,每空一词A:( ),Jim.I( )( )my pen.Can you see it?B:( ),I can't.Look!It's( ) there,under the desk.A:Thanks.Oh,( )not( ).Mine is blue,but this( )is black.Whose is it?B:Let me( ).Oh,it's mine.A:Here( )( ).B:Thank( )( )( ).A:But where is ( 是初一人教版(最好是马鞍山的)从第15页开始发,要写页数,好的话悬赏提高 初一寒假作业语文(我心目中的医生)怎么写 英语翻译Hi,I'm Yang Xiaodan.I think I'm very healthy.Every morning I get up early and ___with my sister.And sometimes I___with my friends on weekends.I eat a lot of fruit and___.I like____ but I hardly ever eat it because I'm a little heavy.After 英语翻译前进:辉煌:和谐:以上3组词的英文谁翻译下 英语翻译1,心理承受能力2,胆量 数字推理:2,3,10,15,26,35()选项A40,B45C50D55 2. 2 3 10 15 26 ( ) 数字推理2 3 10 15 26 ( ) 数字推理最后该填的是什么数字? 找出以下规律:1,5,4,8,7,11,10,( )空格里填什么数字?找出以下规律:1,5,4,8,7,11,10,( )请问空格里填什么数字?