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求高手解答两道英语选择题 ,今天 期末的题1.Do you konw ()man standing there?I onlu know he is from ()European country.A the a B:a the2.I gave up the piano lessons because I have so much homework to do,but it is ()my own wishes.A in 求解- 英语题目不会做 各位大叔大婶帮帮我啊 帮我的瘦十斤-6.We are supposed to tell the t . 7.Be c of the dog that does not bark. 8.I believe s in my thoughts. 9.The slogan a 我这里有几道英语的单项选择题,我不太懂,1.---Shall we go outing this weekend?---Oh,with all this work( ),I don't know if I'll have time to go outA to do B doing C done D do2.Working in an air-conditioned office,you can hardly imagine 下面有几道英语的选择题,不太懂、清楚,要解释下1. i have many friends,…of whom…… some are businessmen这道题为什么要加介词of,2. the place.the bridge is supposed to be built should be. the cross-river traffic is the 挺简单的选择题(英语)但我不太懂.Let's( )this is happening now.A.say B.says C.to say D.saying 有几个英语选择题不太懂 帮我选下呵呵1.the bank is reported in the local newspaper __in broad yesterdaya.to be robbed b.robbed.c.to have been robbed d.having been robbed2.Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is whe 一题英语选择题.懂英语的进.1.Listen!One of the boys ___ to others.A are speaking B are telling C is speaking D is telling 1、我们所学的电学里面有很多数据必须要明白.下面是小红小组同学通过社会实践活动获得的一些数据.请你帮小红她们判断下列哪些数据是最接近实际情况的.( )A、通过普通白炽灯泡的电 安装照明电路时,为检测电路是否正确,在接通电源钱将火线上的保险丝换成一白炽灯泡,同时断开所有用电器开关,接通电源后发现灯泡正常发光,由此判断()A.安装正确B.安装不正确,某处短路 1、用放大镜看自己的指纹,当手指到放大镜的距离为10cm时,能看到清晰放大的指纹,放大镜焦距一定()A、大于10cm B、小于10 cm C、大于20cm D、小于5cm2、用幻灯机放映幻灯时,下面正确的说法是 小明搬新房,在测量窗户玻璃的长度和测量窗帘的长度时应分别选用分度值是多少的刻度尺( ) A cm,dm B mm,cm C um,mm D mm,m 两个直径有微小差别且平行的滚柱之间距离t,夹在2块平晶中间形成劈尖.当单色光垂直如射,产生等厚干涉条纹,若如射光波长变短,则在t范围内干涉条纹A.数目增加、间距变短B.数目减少、间距 1.-How did he get back last night?- I think he ____ back on foot,as there were no buses or taxies then at all.A.might have come B.needn't have comeC.must have come D.should have come2.The doctor said I was over-weight.If only I ___ less!A.ate B.have 求这三道选择题答案 第三道选择题 帮我看看吧1.What do you think _____ told you?A he has B has he C about he has D that he has 2.We are often embarrassedd that in the last few decades,few movies and TV plays _____ for the education of children.A intended B were intended C have in 选择题三道 三道选择题,求答案.急,拜托了 求2010年江苏省13市语文试卷对不起,忘说明是中考试卷了 求2010江苏学业水平测试化学的几道选择题答案.我快要不过了,有几题不确定,15,16,17,23.原题如下:13.配置一定物质的量浓度的 溶液,下列操作正确的是A.称量时,将 固体直接放在托盘天平的右盘 2011年安徽高考语文试题答案(选择题)第16题,请给出答案,并解析.16.下列各句中,加点(用括号表示)的成语使用恰当的一句是( )A.从人们早就(耳濡目染)的传统曲目《天仙配》、《女驸 安徽省滁州市高级中学联谊会2010~ 09江苏物理单科一道选择题的疑惑 请masterli888帮忙这是题目和图“本题的难点在于会不会在还没有达到速度相等之前A的加速度已达到零,接着弹簧进一步伸长,使A的加速度为负值.”AB两物体速 有关08年全国2卷的一道物理选择题08年全国2卷物理第21题,如果改为画感应电动势和时间的关系的图像,是不是还和选题的正确答案一样,题你们自己百度找一下吧,我手机党发不上题 求高人帮忙解答2008年全国卷1第一个物理选择题 求过程、 急!江苏省2011百校联考英语选择题答案,还有物理选择题答案,谁快点给我有没有生物选择答案,我们明天就要考了,快点哦 2011 6根据现代生物进化理论,下列说法正确的是A.自然选择决定了生物变异和进化的方向C.种群内基因频率的改变在世代间具有连续性我看了你的解析, 2011年高考江苏历史试题选择题据《与公肃甥书》记载:“忆昔时邸报,至(明)崇祯十一年方有活板(版),自此以前,并是写本.”对“活版”理解正确的是 A.活版技术从明代开始使用 B.活 2008江苏生物高考32题第五问我不是不知道题,是不明白第二个问的1种是怎么得出来的 选择题第三题,说明理由,谢谢 帮我做下这三道选择题吧!并解释一下~1.The man and the woman paid ___ attention to the guy.a.not any b.no2.The guy looked at the man and the woman angrily.So he was very ___.a.sad b.unhappy c.cross d.pleased↑这道题 三道选择题则么做 要讲解