
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 16:42:20
he,meet,earlier,but,he,to,did not,up,was,me,going,show 关于放飞梦想的开场白咋写 A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a lar...A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday mornings.who always went into a large store on Monday mornings 是什么成 A detective now recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store 为什么always 后不是使用go into 而是使用过去式呢? 最近他的压力很大,总是睡不好觉.He ()()()recently and can't sleep well. Leon Yates,a schoolboy in Bolton,UK,recently became a "super detective".////// 英语翻译A Happy MemoryThe day was july 20th.The sky was very clear.It was my fatheer's birthday .I didn't know it until mother told me the day before.I wanted to give father a present,but I couldn't think of a very good one in a short time .Mum h he thinks he eats_____food,so he is very healthy.[填上适当单词,补全句子】 RT why do we have friends 论述这个标题,先给观点再表述原因,要求150词到200词高一水平即可, 小学为什么要倡导绘本阅读 Why do we have save water? 暮鼓对什么? 与其 不语造句 动词短语作主语用不用ing? 且臣少仕伪朝,历职郎署中且的解释 人生与天地固然渺小,如沧海一粟,但真正渺小的是人的自卑.是小草,我们就要染绿天涯;是水滴,我 人生与天地固然渺小,如沧海一粟,但真正渺小的是人的自卑.是小草,我们就要染绿天涯;是水 暮鼓对什么,花前对什么,鸟语对什么,夕阳西下对什么? 暮鼓对什么古木参天对什么花前对什么济北对什么鸟语对什么夕阳西下对什么 暮鼓对( ) 花前对( ) 古木参天对( ) 夕阳西下对(暮鼓对( ) 花前对( ) 古木参天对( ) 夕阳西下对( ) 是judgeing 还是judging? 一道超级简单的改同义句(英语)1.His danghter has decided to buy a camera.His danghter has ( ) ( ) ( )to buy a camera.2.If you are lazy,you may not pass the exam.( )hard,( )you may ( ) the exam. 英语改同义句,There were people and bags everywhere in my room.There were people and bags ________ and _________ in my room. 同义句(只有一题.)Sorry哦.刚刚不小心按了回车,题目没打就....Take the secoud tuming on the right.写出同义句 《走一步,再走一步》 假如亨利被评为优秀人物,请你为他写一段获奖感言 practical词缀如何用词根词缀去记忆 已知函数y=f(x)满足f(-2)>f(-1),f(-1) 简单英语同义句1.His hair is longer than mine.()()longer hair()().2.Liu ran fastest in the race.Liu ran ()()()()in the race.()else ran ()()()Liu.3.Water and salt mix.Salt can be ()()water. 奇对(),只对(),()对长江. 秦始皇为了统一思想,接受了李斯的建议采取了( )的措施 是焚书坑儒 还是焚书令?急 1.李斯提出什么建议?它产生了什么影响 2.秦始皇虽实行了不同思想政策,但其共同目的是什么?1.李斯提出什么建议?它产生了什么影响2.秦始皇虽实行了不同思想政策,但其共同目的是什么? 《笠翁对韵》:奇对(),只对(),()对长江? the judging of the priced 原文:They can watch the judging of the priced cows.